"Earn Money from Other Peoples Sales Completely on Autopilot, 24x7 in All Niches, From all Countries
even when You Sleep!"
STOP Sending All Your Customers Away after Each Sale and START Adding Extra Profit to Your Pockets while Making Money from All Your Competitors Sales ...
Re: Revealed, New Software that will Make You Money from other Peoples Sales! YOUR PHOTO HERE
My guesstimate is that 99.9% of all marketers (Yes, even the gurus) tell their customer to "Go Away" directly after each purchase?
You're probably thinking, "What is he talking about", but keep reading and see how You can become one of the first people in the world to use this to your advantage!
On every thank you page and download page out there in "internet marketingland" you're told to "go away" and download a trial version of winzip to be able to unpack the digital package (delivered as a downloadable zip file) you just bought.
Ok, ok ...
I know that most people have some kind of software they use to unzip zip files and that windows XP has that support built in (even though it's a bit cumbersome to use).