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YouTube Traffic Weapon
Let me ask you something: are you using YouTube as a marketing strategy for traffic generation in your business?
Quite simply, YouTube is by far one of the most powerful but still underutilized platforms on the internet when it comes to online marketing.
Notably, YouTube is the second biggest search engine on the net. As such, it's also the best platform for engaging in the act of video marketing. Which, if you didn't know, is one of the most powerful tools for the persuasion of audiences for generating clicks and conversions.
Consider the impact that video has on you in your own day to day life. Think about the placement of television sets in your world and how they're often a center piece of most living areas. How often have you started watching a TV show or documentary far too late in the evening and ended up staying up way passed your “bed time” just to get your fill of the action?
YouTube also offers countless advantages towards social media marketing. For starters, it gives you the power to build a following that you can continuously market to in the future. It also allows you to leverage your connections through influential marketing and other strategies. This greatly differs from Facebook and Twitter where there's a large element of luck involved.
Acquiring marketing success on YouTube is all about having something interesting to say and then a unique way to deliver that message. If you have this criteria met, and you've figured out how to package it, then YouTube can deliver you almost guaranteed continual success.
The only downside? YouTube success involves a little more work than some of the other strategies you might have tried in the past. With this course, you’ll have your blueprint for success. As long as you're willing to execute the steps herein, you will be able to build a huge following and influence them as with no other strategy.
Creating A YouTube Marketing Plan
In this section, we're going to cover how you're going to use YouTube and what your marketing plan will be for success. There's a number of factors to consider here and of course, the overall nature of your marketing plan is going to depend on the type of business or company that you're running, your goals, and so on.
Additionally, your budget, resources, and other elements will also have an impact on the direction that you need take when building your audience on YouTube and acquiring traffic and views.
Regardless of the nature of your YouTube marketing strategy, you obviously need to start somewhere. So that's exactly what this course is going to help you do.
For starters, if you're using YouTube video marketing to promote an existing business, then monetization isn't an issue for you. If you're new to digital marketing, then you need to determine how you're going to benefit from the viewers and traffic that your videos get.
• Will you be promoting your website or products in the descriptions? • Are you running advertisement based videos (for your products or others)? • Will you be using YouTube ads to monetize the traffic that views your videos? • Do you plan to interact on YouTube and have a presence there?
Another part of your plan will be to determine how you're going to scale up your success of videos that attract larger audiences. It's especially helpful to have a good strategy in mind here, so ask yourself about how you're going to get your first 100 views and then ask yourself how you'll grow that first 1,000 subscribers or followers.
More importantly, consider the types of topics, products, or content that you're going to present in your videos. Are the topics going to be easy to rank for? Are they attracting enough of an audience to be worth your time? Is there a platform or network that you can cross promote your videos and media on for increased visibility and potential?
For these factors, it can be useful to perform some market research and even keyword research by looking at your competition and even doing the traditional methods for digging and seeing the overall potential.
Consider if there are other YouTube creators or channels that are making money from the platform in your same niche, doing what you do.
• How successful have they been? • Is there more opportunity for you to capitalize on that traffic? • What niche(s) are these creators working in? • How are they marketing their brand? • Do they have their own products or how do they monetize their network?
Take note that there's nothing wrong with “borrowing” a business model that's currently working and producing results. If there's a popular YouTuber out there in your niche that's making money from e-book sales or other sales like that, then make it a point to pay close attention to what they're doing.
Even better, take a look at their older videos and see how they've gradually built their audience and network to the point that it's at now.
Once you have your business model and plan in mind, you should begin to plot all of this out on a sheet of paper, or an online resource for planning. This will give an actionable blueprint that you can follow.
Make decisions here such as how many videos you will need to upload to reach your target audience. Think about what the topic of each of your videos will be and then go so far as to plot your trajectory over time. The more details you can make your step-by-step process for marketing on YouTube, the easier it will be to stay motivated and achieve results (and success).
Also remember that when you create this type of business plan, you should use estimates and projections that aren't overly optimistic. Make sure that your plan will work in a 'worst case scenario' and don't put unnecessary stress upon yourself. This way you can only be pleased by the results that you end up achieving.
The Grey Hat Strategy For YouTube Ranking Success
First off, let me just say that the reason this is called grey hat is because there's a few different ways to go about it. Some of them are black hat and some of them are white hat. The entire method here is just fine in regards to TOS on any video sharing or hosting platform. So there's no need to worry about that stuff.
Now that you're of this, let's just get right into it...
In terms of creating a video, it doesn't matter what kind of video you upload to YouTube, this strategy will work for any video. Just make sure that your video is optimized in terms of production. That means you should have a clear call to action within the video, or something that encourages your viewer's to take action in some way or another. This is, of course, dependant on the goal of your video.
Let's say you have a video created, and you've set up your YouTube channel so that the home page is fully optimized. You should have an appropriate channel name, art, a description, connected social networks, and make it look like the channel is active – which it should be.
This is the important part, you have to do some relevant research for the optimization of your video.
Let's assume you're uploading a video to YouTube as part of your marketing strategy, which would be to gain views and often times conversions. This would mean that you want the video to rank high in the search results, and draw in unique visitors on autopilot. After all, that's one of the biggest benefits of video marketing as a whole when it comes to the internet.
You're going to want to do some Google searches AND YouTube searches for relevant keywords related to the topic of your video. This could be different variations of keywords or key-phrases. You want to determine the amount of traffic that's possible for certain combinations and keywords, on both of these platforms since they're essentially intertwined.