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You now know how to use videos to generate traffic, you know how to choose videos that are optimal for use, and you know how to gather data about these videos efficiently and effectively. Now, it is time to begin contacting these video creators. This is actually really easy to do. It's not like you are getting on the phone and cold-calling people. You simply contact them through YouTube's messaging system.
Before you start, it is important to understand that you are not going to get a reply back every time you contact one of these video creators. Furthermore, if they do reply to your message, you are not going to get a 'yes' every time. Therefore, it is important that you find more than one video and contact more than one video creator.
You may get a reply from one out often of these video creators. A lot of that is actually because YouTube's messaging system isn't the best in the world. People aren't used to receiving messages from YouTube, and people have a tendency to miss these messages in their email for whatever reason.
In order to do this successfully, you do have to have a little bit of tenacity. You'll have to be persistent with this message. In fact, it is recommended that you reach out to at least 20 video creators at a time. More than likely at least one of them will get back to you with either a 'yes' or a 'no'. This sounds daunting, but really it's not, especially if you use the same message over and over again.
Say that you wanted to connect with sadienardini, the video creator we discovered in the last session of the training, and ask her if she would be willing to put your link in her description. Again, that is what the whole method is about. Once you get your link put into her description, you will be able to begin siphoning some of the traffic that has found its way to this video and directing it to a squeeze page, a Kindle eBook, an affiliate product, etc.