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There are many types of CPA offers. When it comes to CPA marketing, you can promote almost anything that you can imagine. There are offers for ringtones, credit cards, gift cards, and pretty much anything under the sun. Not everything converts well though.
You will generally get paid about a dollar for each zip code lead capture you can get. Usually a free gift such as a gift card for a free dinner, or the chance to win an iPad, or something similar is used to persuade people to enter in their zip code. This gets people into the funnel of the marketer that's paying you for this information. The first part of this process is providing the zip code. So, you are just basically providing the company you're working for with a lead.
If someone provides an email address, you will generally get paid $1.50 for this. This is similar to a zip code submit, except it doesn't convert as easily. It's just easier to get someone to provide their zip code because this is information that really doesn't identify them in any way. So, this means of providing a lead doesn't quite work as well, but it pays better. These offers usually convert 35% of the time. Zip code submits work about 50% of the time.
When you are doing zip code and email offers, you need to find freebie seekers. Therefore, you might want your YouTube video to inform people that they can get certain deals by clicking on the link below your video. For instance, your video can inform them that they can get a free
Macy's gift card if they click on your link. You can get a lot of people to take action on these offers by informing them about an offer through a video.
Another type of offer that you can promote is a lead generation offer. These pay a lot better. You can usually get paid anywhere between $8 and $20 for anyone that you can get to submit to this type of offer. You can pre-sell this type of offer through a YouTube video ahead of time. Basically, you can just use your video to inform people that if they fill a certain form out, they can get a lower insurance rate or whatever the offer involves. Let them know that it doesn't take much time to do this, and that all they will have to provide is their first name, last name, and there address, or whatever the case may be.
Since you have already pre-sold the offer in your video, the prospect won't be surprised that they will have to provide some information when they get to the offer page. So, it's not hard to get them to submit this information, and you can go ahead and get paid a substantial rate each time this works. The best part is that you only had to make one video to accomplish this.
Insurance offers, in particular, are a great thing to promote. These are easy offers to make money with because people are always looking for good deals, when it comes to insurance especially. You can create a YouTube video that talks about the great deal that a certain insurance company is offering and let the prospect know that this company has some of the lowest rates out there. Then, tell them about your link and that all they would have to do is submit their name and email to take advantage of that great offer. With each prospect you can get to sign up, you'll make around $8-$20.
Financial offers are another type of offer you may want to try and promote through your YouTube videos, and these can pay tremendously well. This includes credit score offers which allow people to check their credit for free online. It also includes credit card offers, loan offers, or debt relief offers.
This type of offer is mostly based on lead generation, which means that you don't have to get people to purchase anything in order to get paid. Some of the things that you can do is get people to sign up for a free credit report or a credit monitoring free trial where their credit card will be charged after 30 days. In cases like this, you would want to create a video which presells the prospect on the importance of credit monitoring. After that, you'll want to recommend a service so that the prospect is ready to sign up before they actually see the offer. This is currently a great time to try and promote offers such as this because there is so much turbulence in the current economic climate.
As you probably already know, another thing that tends to sell well is weight loss offers. People are always looking to lose weight and are often inquiring about it through YouTube. This is a very competitive market, so a lot of marketers will steer clear from it. However, there are also a lot of marketers that say "who cares". After all, there are a lot of people out there who want to lose weight, and there is a lot of money that can be made in this niche.
Although the weight loss market is an evergreen market, for the most part, timing does play a role. People often want to lose weight right before the holidays and around New Years, for example. Another great time to promote weight loss is right before or during the swim season because people want to look good in their bathing suits.
You can usually find free trial offers in the weight loss niche that are really easy to convert.
Free trial offers can pay between $20 and $40 for each conversion. Above you can see a free trial offer from Market Health, which is one of the CPA networks recommended by this training. The more people that you can get to come to your video, the more people will generally complete an offer such as this.
Skin care and anti-aging products are another great sell. In this case, your targeting will have to be more specific. Women and men over the age of 45 usually respond best to these offers because that's when people really become concerned about their aging skin.