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How to Make Engaging and Likeable YouTube Videos
So now you know how to make videos that look professional with high quality production values. This alone will be enough to help promote your brand and potentially generate sales.
But the problem with a well made video is that it says nothing about the content or the popularity. If you want your video to get clicked on and if you want it to generate likes (which you do because this increases its exposure) then you need to ensure your videos are created in a way that’s engaging and that they have the right titles and the right message.
Creating Your Titles
If you’ve ever done any content marketing revolving around written articles and posts, then you’ll likely know just how important the right title is for your success. An article will live or die by its title because often this is the only thing that potential viewers have to go on when deciding whether or not to watch your content.
The title of course is going to be tied very closely to the subject matter and this is what you need to work hard to get right if you’re vlogging or creating a video series.
The problem is: there’s an awful lot of content on YouTube these days. Viewers have seen thousands of videos on ‘how to lose weight’ and on ‘how to money from home’. Likewise, they’ve seen countless comedy sketches and cat videos.
If you want to a) get watched and b) get liked and subscribed, you need to offer something new and interesting. Try to think of titles in your niche that no one else has thought of, that can change people’s lives or that are just plain fascinating. This might mean combining two different topics or it might just mean coming at something from a different perspective.
Either way, talking about ‘Using Cardio Acceleration to Burn 20% More Fat’ is far more likely to do well than that aforementioned ‘How to Lose Fat’ video. The distinction is that it’s a new topic and that it offers real value and interest.
This is one reason that Vsauce has done so extremely well as a channel. On this channel, the host talks about things that are truly mind blowing and answers the kinds of questions many of us have always had but never thought to ask – like why the moon looks bigger in the sky sometimes.
Another great example is Elliot Hulse or Strength Camp. This is a strength training channel but rather than just talking about building muscle, Elliot talks often about broader subjects that appeal to a much wider audience. In his ‘Yo, Elliot’ series for instance, he asks questions about ‘being more alpha male’ or ‘exuding confidence’. These are things that appeal to the same target audience but that go a little deeper and offer something a little different. Try to think like that with your own videos.
Note that alongside your video title, the only other tool you have for grabbing attention right at the start is your thumbnail. These can be very effective in bringing in more views, so make sure that your thumbnails are custom made and that they encapsulate what’s interesting and unique about your video in a visually pleasing way.