Ebook Sample Content Preview:
In this section, I am going to talk about the promotion I did for the Provillus video in Step-By-Step format in the order I did things.
I am also going to comment on each step and what order I tend to do things now.
The first few steps will be a review if you have Youtube Bully 2...then we will get into the specific services I use to take things to the next level.
I want to get everyone up to speed for those that don't have my other courses.
Step 1. Bookmarking with Social Adr.
They have recently added Facebook Likes, Twitter, and Google + for that much needed social proof. I use this service mainly to keep my links looking natural and to get good IP diversity and IP spread.
The service is $15-$ 17 per month... and if you scroll thru the buying process and keep on clicking “No Thanks” they will show you the $15 option.
This is also a cheap way to rank for new products on Amazon.com(hint..product model keywords work well here..for example Panasonic TC P50S60)
Click Here for Social Adr
Step 2. Mass Social Bookmarking
I use Bookmarking Demon for this as it saves me a ton of money. I used to spend $45 for 2,000 bookmarks on WickedFire.com...and it was worth it...but it also got expensive as My monthly bill was north of $700. Now I just used Bookmarking Demon.
I have found that 1,500 to 2,000 bookmarks to be the magic number here.
If you purchase through my link, I will give you a new list of bookmarks you can use.
I just use Bookmarking demon because it save me money...thats all.
Also, every few months you will need to get a new list as sites start to die. That is just the nature of the beast.
So what I do, is just go over to the sites above and look for bookmarking gigs...and then just put the report they give me into Bookmarking Demon...and I have a fresh list of sites to use.
For things like product launches and marginally competitive keywords, this will be enough to rank most of the time.
Another strategy is to use this for Amazon products.
Why Amazon?
Because of their low commission rate... and the fact they take a while to pay out(ex. Commissons for June will be paid in the middle of August) means a lot less competition for you.
If you decide to pursue Amazon, make sure to make a quick blogger blog... and just put up an image with a call to action...and maybe a little text talking about the product.
If you direct link to Amazon from Youtube, they will take your video down.
Using the 2 linking methods above will be enough to rank for many low to mid competition key words... including product launches that can make you a lot of money quickly.
The above ranking strategy has made me $3,000 in one week from one video for a product launch. Thats not the norm...but it can happen.
Also, I just simply copy my title and description into Bookmarking demon rather than typing out the whole thing over again.
Ok...now we are getting into specific services I used to rank my Provillus video.
Please note that I am not affiliated with any of these people or services in any way.
Step 3. Press Release Through Webwire
I usually will wait about a week after doing the first 2 steps because I might rank without having to pay for a press release...but for the keyword Provillus, I knew it was a very competitive keyword so I just went ahead and ordered one right off the bat.
You can also do this step 1st if you know it is a competitive keyword...but if you are just starting out, I recommend doing the first 2 steps and waiting a week or so to see how things go. Again, you may not need a press release.
This service works like Gangbusters.
You can get press release's written pretty cheap. You can go to getarticlesdone.com or do what I do and get an article written from there...and turn it into a press release with a few tweeks.
I cover how I do that in Youtube Bully 2.
Step 4. Turn Press Release into a PDF...then Distribute to High PR Doc Sharing Sites
Google really likes these Doc Sharing sites.
This is pretty easy. You already have the press release in your hands. Just turn it into a pdf file(open office writer has an export to pdf option...I'm sure MS Word does as well)
I use this Fiverr gig...for $5 to deliver to 30 high PR doc sites...very good value...especially considering the cost of some softwares that does the same thing...and to not as many high PR doc sites.
Step 5-Link Wheel
I used this gig to create a link wheel on high PR sites. This guy has done good work for me..one time he was pretty late and I had to cancel the work...but we're human and that was the only time I had an issue out of many orders.