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Occasionally, once you have explored assertiveness as part of an action plan for success sometimes the best thing to do is to say no or walk away. For individuals who have a weak first perspective, though, this may be grueling. I believe that this stems from a deep-rooted need for approval.
How would you say no without hurting the other person’s feelings? You’ll be surprised how empathizing individuals can be, if you're polite but firm. Letdowns are a part of life, and most individuals won’t take it the wrong way. Saying no does not mean you don’t love them.
If they don’t like you because you’re sticking up for your own rights (and not out of selfishness), are they somebody you should even be around? They could be immature, using you, or perhaps they’re just not used to your sudden personal power. After all they probably don't know you are working on an action plan and they may need some time to get used to the new you.
Conceive of this. You’re busy at work, and your best friend comes in and calls for an hour of your time to help her out. You can love them and still say “No, I sympathize with your predicament, but I would prefer to finish my work.”
“But you’re so selfish!”
“I comprehend how you may feel that way, but I'd reallyprefer to complete my work. I have a deadline to meet.”
“You A @$A$@$! If you don’t help me, I will get fired!” “I’m sorry, I truly am. But if I don’t complete this, I'll lose MY job.”
Can you see how responding in this way can be the most helpful here? She's your best friend, but you're your best friend as well.
This example may not be the way you decide to handle it - that’s just how I would have answered it.
How would you handle a disagreement between your two best friends? Compromise, maybe, or prioritize? Occasionally you would need to tell them to back down. But that's up to you to choose.
Once again, if a need for acceptance is at the root of your lack of assertiveness, the meditation will assist you enormously. No-one can give you acceptance but you and acceptance and assertiveness are needed for a good success action plan.