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Your Own Money Making Machine
As you (hopefully) have already discovered, making money online isn't difficult, but it does take some knowledge and the ability to put that knowledge to work.
I'm going to outline a rather simple and straight forward system that I believe anyone can use to make income. It can be scaled up as large as you like, depending on how much time you want to put into it and what you want out of it. And it's easy enough for even new marketers to do.
Mind you, this is not my invention, but rather a system that has been working for many marketers for years. It's not a shiny new bauble – instead, it's a proven method that brings home the paycheck week in and week out – if you put in the time and effort required.
Ready? Let's get started.
1. Choose your niche. I'm going to make it easy for you here by recommending that you choose one of the following 3 niches: Money and finance, health and fitness, or relationships and dating. All three are evergreen and bring in a ton of money.
For purposes of this training, we're going to focus on health, because I believe it's truly the easiest of the 3 niches in which to make money. True, there's plenty of competition, but that won't really be a factor for what we're doing. That's because people who are desperate for a health related solution such as alleviating pain or losing weight are ready to make a purchase now.
Google “most common illnesses” and you'll find acne, allergies, ADHD, arthritis, asthma, back pain, bad breath, bursitis, etc. And that's just a few from the A's and B's. $320 billion is spent on prescription drugs in the U.S. alone each year, and that doesn't include over the counter medications and remedies.
This is a HUGE market full of desperate buyers. So forget selling granny square patterns or children's bedtime stories for now – focus on where the money is.
And if you want to focus on money or relationships, those are always hot, hungry markets as well.
2. Choose a product to sell. This is going to be your OTO after they opt in to your squeeze page. Most people will tell you to create your free report, then create your squeeze page, and then find an OTO to offer after they opt in.
This is good advice. After all, they found your squeeze page, they filled out the form and they pressed the button – they are eager for a solution to their problem! Logically this is the time to offer it to them. But I do things just a bit differently. I find the product I'm going to be promoting as my OTO first. Preferably I also find a second, similar product to use as my back up, in case the owner of the first product pulls it (yes, it happens.) The reason I find the product first is because I want to tailor my squeeze page and my free report to that EXACT topic.
For example, if my OTO is how to cure adult acne, I will write my report on ADULT acne, not teenage acne. But if I had done things the way most people do, I could have had a report on teenage acne and an OTO on adult acne. Sure it's the same problem, but it's two entirely different markets and my conversion rate on the OTO would have been terrible. That's why you want to find the product you're going to be promoting as your OTO first.
What product should you choose? Here are criteria to look for:
ñ Low price – something less than $15 is ideal because it becomes an impulse purchase. And that's exactly what you need here, because you haven't yet established a lot of credibility with your new list member. ñ Excellent product – you've got to buy the product and make sure it really delivers on whatever it promises. This is no time to be selling junk. Actually, there is never a time to be selling junk.
ñ High conversion rate – okay, this is a no-brainer. You want a product that converts really well so that you're making
The ADVANCED ALTERNATIVE to promoting an affiliate product is to create your own product. The drawback is you need to create it or hire someone else to do it for you, either of which takes time. The benefit is you keep 100% of your sales, rather than splitting them with a product owner.
The CHEAT METHOD to creating your own product is of course to use some high grade PLR.
If you are using your own product, here's a trick I like to use: At the top of the sales page, let them know that their free report is on its way to their inbox. This builds consistency and credibility and shows them they're at the right
3. Next you're going to create something to give away to your new niche. Here's the key – you're not going to slap together any old report or re-purpose some PLR. Instead, you're going to create something so awesome, people would PAY YOU to get it. Best of all, you don't need to reinvent the wheel or come up with some brilliant insight to do this. Instead, you're going to let others do the research for you.
Head over to Amazon and search for your niche in the book section. Write down titles that grab your attention. Search inside the books and look at the table of contents. Take notes.
Now do the same with magazines in your niche. Look at the headlines on the magazine covers – these can be a goldmine. You'll need to change them to accommodate your exact niche (and not plagiarize) but that's easy. You want to pay attention to what the hot topics are and what headlines are used to sell those topics.