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Everyone knows that there is something that they could change in their life to become healthier. For most people, it’s getting more exercise and eating a healthier diet. But, how do you know if you are eating healthy or not? There are so many different diets and strategies on the market, how do you know what to do?
This eBook is designed to provide you with some basic guidelines to become a healthy eater as well as some tips on how to begin changing your eating habits. For example, breakfast is incredibly important and many people don’t give it its due. You need to eat breakfast to literally “break the fast.” Unfortunately, many people skip breakfast and they are so hungry by the time lunch comes around that they eat like they’ve never eaten before. Then they have a slump and want to take a nap. Eating healthy and with good eating habits can solve these types of problems.
Being a healthy eater requires that you become educated and smart about what you put in your mouth. You really are what you eat, so if you eat a lot of fats, well, you know what happens. However, being food smart doesn’t mean that you have to learn all of these different calorie-counting strategies or that you have to study labels. Healthy eating is about balance and moderation.
This eBook is your guide to learning to eat healthy and how to balance out your meals. It will show you how you can eat healthy, lose weight and begin to have a better overall feeling of healthiness in your life. This doesn’t mean that you have to give up your favorite foods, but you will learn how to make your favorite foods part of a healthy lifestyle.
Chapter 1
Eating for a Healthier You
Most people know they need to improve their diets in one way or another. They also recognize how difficult this is when you drive down the street and you see a McDonald’s on every corner or a line of fast food restaurants. Our lives have all become about convenience and in exchange for convenience we have become the most obese country in the world. With our instant gratification lifestyles we also know that eating healthy can be a challenge. However, it doesn’t have to be this way and there are steps that you can take to balance out your life so that you can enjoy a Happy Meal with the kids on occasion.
Making your everyday diet healthier will allow you to improve the way you look, as well as the way you think. It’s never too late to change your eating habits, you just have to have the personal motivation to do it.
Is Your Diet Healthy Enough?
Everyone wants a healthier diet, but with all of the conflicting nutrition information in the media it is hard to determine what type of diet is healthy. There are many factors that contribute to a healthy diet. It is important to evaluate the current diet that you eat before you embark on a plan to become a healthier eater.
Begin by asking yourself these simple questions:
1 Do I eat a variety of different foods? Variety is one of many important parts of a healthy diet. It is important to eat foods from all of the food groups. If you find yourself avoiding certain food groups, such as fruits and vegetables, then it may be time to adjust the way you eat.
2 Do I eat fruits and vegetables? It is important to choose from a variety of different fruits and vegetables. In fact, you want to get all of the different colors of these foods in your diet because each offers their own unique vitamins and minerals that are essential to your diet. Eat dark greens, reds, oranges and yellows.
3 Do I eat breakfast? The absence of breakfast is a good indicator that you are not eating very healthy. If you don’t eat breakfast you need to begin working on that aspect of your diet, as your body may think that it’s starving.