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The more common and not really threatening or overly damaging behavioral disorders would include over active kids getting into mischief, playing pranks, being occasionally rebellious and other milder behavior patterns.
However when these seemingly milder patterns take on a more serious and sinister display of negativity then it can no longer be thought of as normal but now should be looked upon as behavior disorders.
The more common warning signs of such negative and often destructive behavior would be harming or threatening themselves, pets or others, managing or destroying property, lying or stealing, not doing well academically and even skipping school, early smoking, drinking and drug use, early sexual activity, frequent tantrums and arguments and consistent hostility towards authority figures.
All the above displays would certainly signify a problem child and the parent would almost always feel at a lost on how to cope in such situations.
The confusion and anger felt of both sides should be dealt with suitably so that progress can be made to try and overcome this negativity and help the child accept the idea of help with the goal of getting back a calmer and better behavior that others can live with.
Recent research has been able to show that it is not always outside circumstance that contribute to the negative behavior patterns but can sometimes be due to some disorder in the brain.
Lack of certain chemicals or simply the imbalances of chemical in the brain can be one of the causes for the behavior being experienced thus the need to explore this possibility too.