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Phytochemicals are chemicals brought forth by plants. These chemicals carry compounds that might protect against disease, particularly cancer, and perhaps osteoporosis and eye disease.
The brightest and most colorful vegetables and fruits - the dark green, orange, yellow and red ones - are jammed with both necessary vitamins and minerals and disease-fighting phytochemicals. Soy products, beans and lentils, as well, are full of phytochemicals - so remember to include them. And do not be concerned about seasoning your foods with herbs, spices and citrus peels to get additional nutrients.
What about salt?
You more than likely know that consuming an excessive amount of sodium (salt) may increase blood pressure, which may lead to heart disease. Only recent research exposes that the effects of high blood pressure are even more varied.
Investigators now recognize that high blood pressure may also accelerate the body’s loss of calcium, which could lead to osteoporosis (thinning of the bones that cause them to break easily).High blood pressure is also believed to be a “risk factor” for diabetes and kidney disease, which implies you're more probable to acquire these diseases.
You should restrict your consumption of sodium to fewer than 2300 mgs per day (that is about one teaspoon of salt) from all your foods. You should eat even less sodium if you've got high blood pressure, osteoporosis, kidney disease or diabetes.