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Hatha Yoga
Hatha yoga is the most known form of yoga for Westerners, and the sort commonly taught in beginner-level courses. Hatha yoga accents breath control and flowing poses. You are able to expect to burn one hundred seventy-five calories per hour, or the same total of calories you would burn by walking two miles in 60 minutes.
Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga yoga is a bit more intense than Hatha yoga, however still places accent on breath control and flowing poses. The common class has a series of six poses that increase in difficultness. A common Ashtanga class will burn three hundred calories in 60 minutes, or the same as walking four miles in 1 hour.
Power Yoga
Power yoga is a Westernized sort of Ashtanga yoga, which moves promptly between postures to increase your pulse rate. Because of this, many classes commonly last thirty to forty-five minutes, instead of sixty. The calories burned are more or less the same as a full sixty minute Ashtanga class.
Vinyasa Yoga
Vinyasa yoga is commonly combined with the Ashtanga form to produce one dynamic class. The accent is placed on flowing from one posture to the next, especially during the add ons. Vinyasa classes commonly burn 445 calories per 60 minutes, or the same total as jogging at a slow pace for sixty minutes.
Bikram or Hot Yoga
Bikram yoga, a.k.a. "hot yoga," is performed in a room heated up to 105 degrees and with a humidity of 40%. This assures that you will sweat a lot as you do the twenty-six postures in a common class. One session of bikram yoga burns 630 calories per 60 minutes, or the same as swimming the butterfly for 60 minutes.
A lot of practitioners who utilize yoga as their principal form of cardio opt for the higher-intensity classes and aim for doing the class three times a week, for a ninety minute session. If you wish to burn calories while doing yoga, go for the more intense classes and work at "growing" or stretching into every pose perpetually throughout the class.