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Chapter 8: Yin And Yang Healing Sessions
Besides understanding the chosen style of therapy to treat a particular condition, it is also prudent to find out a little about how these therapy sessions are conducted.
What To Expect
Finding out things like, who conducts the sessions, where the sessions are conducted, why they are conducted at the particular location. Also knowing what transpires before, during and after the session is a good idea. This is to ensure the individual comes completely prepared and there are no unpleasant surprises.
As there are many art forms of therapy that adopt the basic tenants of the yin and yang concept, the styles of each chosen art may differ. The many art forms of therapy include yoga, traditional medicines, mantras, qigong, reiki, massages, to name a few.
Most sessions usually begin with some primary movements to make the individual comfortable and relaxed. These may or may not include having music played softly in the background.
Once the body is relaxed, the individual will feel the slow release of tension and this will help to further clear whatever other negative energetic blocks at a cellular level.
Some sessions may include deep breathing exercises to settle the otherwise busy mind. It is also not unusual to have some sessions using mantras as the vital energy centers in the body - chakras, are associated with specific sounds which "wake" the body and stimulate these centers.
When using the reiki style to transfer or regulate the chi in the body, sometimes heat pad are used for the warmth.
Other examples are the fundamentals of the Taoist approach. Here the yin and yang is taught as a system of recognizing how to separate out patterns in our daily life, and its connection to the surroundings, while all the time learning to accept and work with the energies to create the desired balance.
Chapter 9: Getting Information
In today's world of vast information and the easy accessibility of it, finding out about yin and yang and the various forms it takes in the many different lifestyle approaches is very easy.
Gathering Data
The greatest and fastest way to get any information is from the internet. By just keying in the desired topic or concern, and the answer is yours instantly. Similarly it should be noted here that all information found on the internet is not necessarily accurate or substantiated.
Popularly practiced in Taoism and Daoism, the yin and yang tenants can also be found in most other therapy styles that date back to ancient times. The basis of manipulating the existing energy to produce the balance needed for optimum health and mind conditions is found in almost all.
If one is about to embark on trying to treat one's self with the yin and yang concept as the basic focal point, then some simple ideas can be followed.
If the treatment style chosen includes the use of herbs, the basic principal for guidance purposes would be, any hot disease should be treated with cold herbs, and any cold diseases should be treated with hot herbs.
A simple formula to follow but bearing in mind other corresponding factors should also be studied. Some people actually relate to it this way - a yin disease = a yang cure and a yang disease = a yin cure.
Besides all this, reading testimonial is another good way of assessing the choice made. Most people who have found or experienced good things are more than happy to share it. Likewise the opposite also true and applies, so making a discerning choice is not difficult.
There are a lot of centers and societies dedicated to healing and the enhancement of health. Some are non profit while others are not. The choice lies in the individual freedom.
Chapter 10: The Drawbacks To Not Understanding Yin And Yang
In the ever changing and fast pace of today human existence, people are always looking for the next new exciting thing to try. From medications, to exercises, to therapy sessions. The world is your oyster, so the saying goes.
What You Should Know
The negative side of this vast array of choice is that, people tend to jump onto the next thing without giving enough time, energy and concentration to what has already been started on. Sometimes it's because of lack of any physical progress, sometimes its due to outside pressure and sometimes there is just not enough mental commitment.
Attempting the yin and yang style therapy is no less different. The commitment needed to see any percentage of results must be taken into consideration. Reading up as such information as possible also help to edify the choice made and is a positive contributing factor to the successful of the yin and yang choice made.
Making a concerted attempt to thoroughly understand what it involves and how the yin and yang concept works is also mentally helpful in preparing the mind to accept and work with the choice made.
A lot of benefits can be derived from practicing any therapy that uses the yin and yang tenants as its basic beginning and ending results. While all this is being researched, one must also understand that the results and impacts from making a particular choice is vast and varied and depends on a lot of inter related aspects which vary from person to person.
Another aspect to be wary about when making the choice, is whether or not, the chosen style has an occult elements or not. As with most alternative therapy styles the actual nature of the therapy may be genuine but the practitioner may not be, thus the occult connotations. Questions should be asked and satisfactory answers should be forth coming before making the choice to embark on this venture of holistic healing.