Attention:Free-Up A Fortune In Time Previously Spent Responding To Customer SupportEmails!
"Turbo-Charge The Growth of Your Business, While Freeing Up Your Time With Reduced Customer Support Hassles!"
Stay On Top Of Your Business With The Ability To Instantly Respond To Email For More Satisfied Customers, Affiliates, and Partners!
Dear Friend,
There's one major stumbling block holding back the growth of your business.It prevents you from staying on top of your business and those important to it from taking action.
Customers hold off on buying your products.Partners wait on sending out endorsements to their customers.And those you outsource work to don't get the answer they need fast enough.
The result is many of the steps needed to grow your business never get done... when they so easily could.
So, what is this barrier to your success?It's simply having too much email pouring-in that sucks-up valuable time that could be spent on getting more sales!
However, when you remove this stumbling block, then something amazing happens.
An Avalanche of New Sales and Opportunities Pours In!
All of those important to your business get the answers they want and when they need it.
It's easy with a new email management software called, "Xyber Email Assistant." This tool allows you to quickly create a database on your PC of frequently asked questions and answers to streamline handling customer support emails.
The program includes two separate areas. The pane on the left is for creating and organizing topics (includes a menu for creating both topics and questions). The pane on the right is for organizing answers to the questions.
All this means is that instead of having to type up new answers or look up data for every email that comes in, everything is already waiting for you in a central location so you can instantly respond!
Here's The Full Range of Benefits You Get:
Allows you to create and manage an unlimited number of questions and answers for all of your websites or topics.In just a short time, you'll have a gigantic database of responses to virtually eliminate your customer support hassles!
Provides you with the ability to efficiently handle a large volume of email responses.Every time you run a big promotion and have more email than you can handle, you're no longer going to lose out on a fortune of missed sales!
Quickly and easily locates the answers you need at lightning fast speed with built-in search feature that scours your database!You can now respond to your customers in mere seconds!
Gives your customers, partners, and affiliates the information they need fast so they can make decisions that make you money!You're never going to lose out on new sales and opportunities simply because you or assistants responded a day late!
Stores your information for assistants to take over your workload when you're not there!Sit back, relax, and take more time off with the peace of mind that everything is taken care of!
Allows you to quickly insert answers and topics with an easy to use interface!Even when you're in a rush, organizing and finding information is a breeze!
Keep track of your passwords, URLs, important articles, and any data you repeatedly need on a consistent basis!Think of the hours you're going to save everyday when you don't have go digging for the important data needed to run your business!
Plus, much more!