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Great customer service is the backbone of any successful business. Happy customers are returning customers no matter what the product is that you are selling. Giving exemplary customer service should be a standard of your company and should be conveyed through your web copy. One very popular way to do this is to have some sort of guarantee.
Most companies have a money back guarantee for customers that are not satisfied. This type of guarantee is very good, but cannot help you to obtain and keep customers. By enacting a money back guarantee, a customer is stating that they did not like the product and are definitely not interested in doing further business with your company.
However, there are many other successful guarantees available that you can choose from.
First, you could include a lifetime warranty on your product. For example, if you are selling a coffee pot, you can offer repair service free of charge. One thing to remember is that any guarantees that you offer on your website must be kept no matter what.
Other than the lifetime warranty, you could offer a guarantee of replacement if the product you sell them becomes damaged. Any of the guarantees you may choose from to offer have loopholes that will allow you to be creative at following through with them.
For example, money back guarantees always have fine print giving a specific term that the guarantee is good for. No guarantee is really good for a lifetime. Even the lifetime warranties on products are only good for the amount of time that the original owner possesses the merchandise.
While all of these guarantees include loopholes that allow for you to overlook claims on them, they do improve your standings with your customers. If you have a few customers that need for you to enforce the guarantees, you may be able to recruit testimonials simply by fixing the problem and honoring the guarantee. The small amount of profit that is lost every day on honoring guarantees does not compare at all to the number of customers you will gain by word of mouth referrals. As I said before, a Happy Customer is a Loyal Customer.
Given that we have discussed most of the procedures for writing effective web copy to help with marketing and sales for your website, I would like to tell you how to close your web copy to catch the last few readers you may have missed.