Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Step #2: Draft 4-8 Subject Lines
It’s kind of shocking to know how careless many people are with their subject lines. They just type in something off the top of their heads and move on.
If you’re a 9** degree black belt marketer, you probably have the ability to do that successfully. However, if you’re a mere mortal like the rest of us, it might be a good idea to game out a few potential subject lines.
Your first thought is not often you best thought. I might even go so far as to say that your first thought is often your worst thought because it’s obvious. It took no effort to create. That puts you in company with all the laziest marketers out there. Remember, we are looking for the edge here.
By brainstorming 4 to 8 subject lines, you clear out the first obvious thoughts and dig a little deeper to find something unique. If you only write one line, you have no choice: you have to use it. I’d rather have options to compare.
Note: I would add that the best practice would be to write at least 10 subject lines. It helps flex your idea muscles and you may be surprised at what idea 9 or 10 has to offer. I know we are all busy people, but we should spend a few extra minutes a day becoming stronger marketers. (You can even save some of them in your swipe file for the future!)
To sum up step 2:
You increase your chances of success by increasing the quantity of subject lines you can generate. Quantity creates quality.
Step #3: Weed Out The Duds
Now you can start applying some judgements to your ideas.
Golden Key: Read everything out loud. Have you overwritten something, it looks perfect, and then you read it out loud and found out that it doesn’t make any sense? It has happened to all of us. When it happens to me, I am thankful because I caught something that could have been embarrassing. It takes a lot of practice I writing before you can skip this step.
Remember: your customer will read your subject line and hear it in their head. If it is clunky or unclear, they will bail.
What is the emotional content of your subject line? I’m not saying it should read “Fire! Get out!” It should have some potential to stir some emotions in your reader.
I’ve seen lame subject lines that just say, “hey.” That’s it. No emotion, no benefit. Those don’t get read.
If your subject line creates curiosity, can you deliver on it?
If you mention a benefit, can you follow up on it?
To sum up step 3:
Weed out the loser subject lines that have no benefit or emotional content for the reader.
Make sure you can deliver on your emotion and/or benefits you mention.
Step #4: Additional Considerations:
How To Reverse Engineer Your Inbox
It’s crazy how many people unsubscribe from marketers and complain about it. They don’t realize that they are getting a master class from top marketers for free!
To understand your market’s buying behaviors, you must first examine your own.
Take a look at your inbox. Who do you click on no matter what?
You see, a click is not just a click.
There are many variables going into the click such as:
Your prior relationship/experience with the marketer.
The message to market match.
The pushing of hot buttons (depending on the market.)
How To Burn Your List
I’d say that the biggest mistake marketers make involve using “tricks” to get people to open their emails.
Tricks are the ultimate way to burn your list. Let’s go over some of the offenders: -Subject line: Bad news..
Marketers once claimed this got the most opens. And, like any other trick, it works until it doesn’t. (The bad news inside the email usually took the form of “you only have 2 more hours to send me money. Hurry!”) -Subject line: Your mother Is dead
Inside the email: “Dead tired of waiting for you to send her flowers. Call us now...”
-Subject line: I’m at the hospital..
Inside the email: “My sister just gave birth to twins!” -Subject line: Important: open or get deleted from this list
I don’t respond well to threats, so I didn’t open it, and I’m STILL on this marketer’s list!
The worst trick is what I call zombie marketing. I unsubscribe from a terrible marketer’s list and keep getting emails from them under a new email address. I kill 'em, but they keep coming back from the dead.
These are the tricks that give all marketers a bad name. You don’t want to be like these folks.
The first thing you should done when you finish reading this e-book is the reverse engineering. Study your inbox like a scientist and note what succeeds and fails. Sign up for every list you can. (You may need a separate email account just for that.)
I want to wish you the best of luck in your future adventures in email!