Are you in danger of getting your files and download links stolen? If you’re using Amazon s3, you just might…
New Plugin Keeps All Your Files Protected from the Cracks that Exist in Amazon s3’s storage Service
If you’re a current or future Amazon S3 users…pay attention to every word on this page. Your income might just depend on it.
Hey fellow marketer,
You use Amazon S3 right? It’s like a marketer’s dream, I know. They host all your files and you pay pennies for the service. Why more people aren’t using it, I don’t know.
But there is a danger to using it and I’m not sure if you were aware of this…
And I didn’t realize this myself till I started researching the issue. I figured my files were in a very safe and secure environment. I mean, C’mon…this is Amazon we’re talking about.
Amazon Has to Be Safe Right…It’s Gotta Be?
I thought my files would be under lock and key, protected with all types of security algorithms and protections. You know…some really covert coding that the average Joe could never break into right?
Certainly, I wouldn’t have to deal with getting my hard earned files compromised with Amazon on my side!
Unfortunately, my investigation took me into a tailspin that shocked me. My files are no more protected than if I put them on my own server.