Unleash The Social Traffic Wave With This Unique Plugin!
REASON #1 -Easy To Use!
With our easy to follow along video and training tools you'll be able to install use, and start getting traffic right away!
REASON #2 - Full Training
I show you exactly what to do to create content, add it to your social sites, and use WP Social Slide Pro to turn on the viral traffic!
REASON #3 - Easy Viral Traffic
Creating viral traffic has never been easier than before. With this plugin you will be amazed at how much traffic will be hitting your site, clicking your links, buying your stuff, ect...
WP Social Slide Pro is a powerful, easy to use Word Press plugin that allows you to add your social site feeds to a beautifully designed slide out panel.
Here's just one example of what it will look like on your site. There's several button styles to choose from though...
So what does having this on your site do for you?
Well when people mouse over any of your social buttons a slide pops out and shows them your latest content!
This allows them to visit all your different social sites, take action on the content which all of their "contacts" see and then they start coming to your site too!
That's when the viral effect takes over and before you know it you've got traffic coming from everywhere!
WP Social Slide Pro is insanely powerful! We've left nothing out when it comes to in-demand features that give you the flexibility and control you need to have all your social profiles displayed in a clutter free way that people enjoy going through them!
And with the built in options you can make it look several different ways...
WP Social Slide Supports: Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google Plus, and Twitter...
I'm not going to stop there though... I really want to help you super charge this plugin so I'm also going to give you these amazing bonuses!