Shocking Fact… People WILL Try & Steal Your Content!
With more an more people providing customers with online videos and downloadable content. Unless you somehow protect that content, it’s vulnerable to thieves who won’t waste any time stealing your hard work.
You either noticed your hosting bandwidth very quickly go up due to hotlinking, or you find content on file-sharing sites for anyone to download for free.
The wordpress plugin provides an easy and safe way to provide your genuine customers with content, but importantly it’s protected against thieves. With WP secureURL activated it gives you encrypted, obfuscated, time-limited URLs.
The plugin can be used with content directly hosted on your site or using Amazon’s simple storage service (S3). Both options were added because smaller download files can be hosted on your own server. But for larger files or videos especially, Amazon S3 is perfect as it’s very cheap and their servers as you can imagine are also very fast and reliable.