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Chapter 6: Different Challenges For Home Workaholics
Workaholism spreads like a nasty disease and can at times become really tough to handle. Sometimes workaholics themselves don't realize that they are so, unless they start feeling some changes in their living style and social life. Many of us are taught in our family from the beginning that work is good and leisure is idleness, however this is not always true. The time that you enjoyed wasting is not always wasted as you gain some positive energy in that time.
Workaholism mostly creeps into the life of those who are into modern Internet business and mostly work from home. This can at times become an addiction and more business are the lures that keep the workaholics' adrenalin rush on the high. However, some where down the lane, people need to realize that there is a social life that exists which they need to be a part of.
There are many challenges that face the home workaholics as they usually work from home and they don't get to interact with too many people. They need to delegate some time consciously to go out and socialize. They need to meet with friends and spend some quality time with family members.
One of the biggest challenges that the home workaholics face is that of stress. There are several stress related diseases that can hit a person that is obsessed with work. Being passionate about work is good, but obsession can be really bad as it leaves room for stress to creep in making your life really miserable. This can lead to several types of illnesses such as ulcers, panic attacks, burnout, and high blood pressure.
Depression is the worst of all stress related diseases.
Another challenge that the home workaholics usually face is the bitterness of relationships. A recent survey has proved that the number of divorce cases among the workaholics is much higher than any where else. It is not very surprising as the workaholics hardly get enough time to spend with their loved ones. The family members of a workaholic usually are subject to depression and they have a much lower level of self esteem. A big fat salary can really help you stay and maintain a lavish life style, but just ask yourself what's the price you are ready to pay for that.
Home workaholics spend very less time with their friends, which results reduce in the number of good friends and less social life. This type of behavior pattern creates negative perception regarding your nature in the society. After some time you feel that you are neglected by all your social groups and feel lonely. It starts depression, which is the starting point of many dangerous deceases.
The challenges for a workaholic can be many but the biggest challenge of all is to realize that you are actually getting obsessed with work and thus putting an end to all that is driving you crazy about work.