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Most things are skills that can be learnt, writing persuasively and using powerful writing is a skill that I believe can be mastered by anyone, some people have to put in more work than others, but anyone can master it.
So reading about it is the first step, you need to read everything you can on the subject of copywriting and the power of words as it is not a subject you can just learn in a few days.
The next step is practice, practice, practice. Practice is the mother of skill, and that will certainly help you to hone your skills.
But what if there was something that could help you learn faster? Something where you could literally soak up the work of someone who has already mastered this skill, like a sponge.
This is a copywriting trick that I have seen spoken about by the masters but that most people are just too lazy to do, so if you do it then you will be ahead of 99% of the game!
The trick is to write down the work that you want to model. Reading only absorbs a certain amount of the work, but to actually write it down in your own handwriting, that helps you to really internalize everything that is being said. You are feeding your unconscious mind with the powerful writing which it can then churn out when you sit down to write.