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Here is the main meat of your site setup. The main reason to select WordPress as your site building platform, aside from the search engine boost that Google seems to give dynamic blog content, is the many fantastic plugins used to extend WordPress functionality.
A word of caution, however. Every single person who has used WordPress has a different opinion of what plugins they simply can’t live without. I am no different. I am going to share the “Nifty Nine” plugins that I install in EVERY NEW WordPress installation I do.
You may get to using these and decide that you need a couple other ones not listed or decide that a couple of those listed here are not relevant to you and that is fine. This simply serves as a jumping off point for setup and discussion.
These plugins are all free plugins and they are all found on the first three pages of the WordPress plugin depository at the time of this writing. There are also video tutorials on how to use some of the finer point of these plugins included with this product. I have main overview of the Nifty Nine as well as each plugin has its own video giving you a breakdown of each plugin and how to set it up.
Most plugins are simple to configure and some work right out of the “box” so to speak. Some are quite complicated like W3 Total Cache and the WP-Security Scan. Take some time to learn each of these nine plugins and then make sure you set them up according to the videos.