"Instantly Turn Your Word Documents Into Google Adsense Revenue Generating Web Pages!"
Try This Simple Software To Help You Build Hundreds Of Web Pages – Risk Free!
Dear Friend,
Are you a writer who wants to get his or her work onto the Internet – but don't have any idea how to build a web page? Perhaps you know how to use Microsoft Word, but don't want to have to sit down and learn HTML or purchase difficult to use, expensive software? Maybe you'd like to find an easy way to publish your word documents online?
If so, I want to tell you about a simple, yet incredibly powerful new software tool – WordToWebPage that will revolutionize your web marketing experience and make sure you never need to worry about creating web pages again.
WordToWebPage is an easy to use desktop application that allows you to convert any Microsoft Word document into a ready to upload webpage – even if you have absolutely no programming experience at all.
Better still, WordToWebPage allows you to have complete control of your website. In a matter of seconds you can:
Choose from three different web templates.
Input keywords, headers and footers.
Select background graphics
Place your AdSense advertisements.
WordToWebPage Can Turn Your Dusty E-Books Into Profit Pulling Machines!
If you are into Internet marketing, you probably have a bunch of e-books that just aren't selling as much as you’d like.
Many people have the private label rights to books that they've never really been able to profit from.
Imagine if you could use them to generate passive Google AdSense income? With WordToWebPage you can.
Simply use WordToWebPage and it will convert your e-book it into a fully functional website – loaded with Google AdSense!
That means that with WordToWebPage you can convert a 300 page e-book into a 300 page website – with hundreds of profit pulling AdSense links in a matter of minutes!
You might end up generating more income in a month from your new website than you would have in a year's worth of e-book sales!
WordToWebPage Handles All Of Your Online Formatting Challenges!
If you've ever tried to master HTML coding to build your own website, then you know how big a pain it can be to get your site just right.
Sure, you may know what you want your site to look like on paper, but translating that into the right code can be almost impossible.
Even if you are an HTML master, one simple keystroke mistake could blow the look and feel of your entire site – and take hours to find and correct.
WordToWebPage makes sure you never have to deal with that again!
When you use WordToWebPage it automatically converts all of your fonts and original formatting into uploadable HTML code. That means that your website looks exactly like your Word document.
You have complete control of your website – in a manner of minutes!
Create A Giant Content Rich Website In A Matter Of Minutes!
One of the best ways to get web surfers to see your products is to create a highly ranked website. Yet, to get a high Google or Yahoo rank, you need to have as much legitimate content as humanly possible.
The problem is that if you simply upload hundreds of pages of junk content, you might actually get kicked off of many major search engines for creating spam websites.
WordToWebPage is your solution!
Because you can use your existing e-books as the basis of your site, you can create hundreds and hundreds of pages of real content that people want to read almost instantly.