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Say the word carbs to a woman and you just might send her running and screaming. Media and the latest fads and celebrity trends have beaten the idea into our heads that carbs are evil. If you're starting out on a weight lifting routine, it is super important to understand how to eat correctly to enhance your gains and progress while staying lean and trim at the same time.
First off, let's understand what carbs are. Carbs are the body's main source of energy. Yes, the main source. If we do not eat carbs, our body uses protein instead in a process called ketosis.
Proteins are the building blocks of life and absolutely necessary, but are intended to be used for repair and maintenance. So, when you lift weights and subsequently
tear muscle fibers, protein comes into play and helps repair these tears. If protein is being eaten away because it's being used as an energy source, this purpose is defeated.
So if carbs are super important to body function, that means we need to eat them, right? Yes! Carbs may have a negative stigma to them thanks to media outlets but knowing how and when to eat this macronutrient is key. If you just can't give up your favorite sweet treats, that's okay- just learn when to eat them.
The post workout window is the time right after your workout in which your body is still at an increased metabolic rate and working extra hard. This is the best time to eat your "bad carbs," such as a processed or refined treat you don't want to sacrifice. It's also a perfect time to get a quick shot of protein to your muscles- try a protein shake. While there are a multitude of protein types available, the best for post workout is an isolate protein.
Whether you work out or not, eating veggies every day is also important. They contain tons of phytonutrients and have little to no calories. Try serving your vegetables with some extra virgin olive oil (healthy fat source) and some spices such as garlic and pepper. For whole protein sources, stick to lean cuts of meat such as boneless skinless chicken breast, pork tenderloin, or the leanest variety of ground turkey or beef.
Ideally what will work best for you will depend on your taste preferences and budget. Be mindful of the food choices you are making, read labels and be aware. Nothing in moderation will derail you. View your food as fuel for your workouts. Doing a leg workout on Pop Tarts alone will probably make you queasy. On the other hand, having a solid meal of proteins/carbs/fats (think oatmeal with peanut butter and protein powder) will rear its head during your workout.