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Chapter 7: Get Rid of Credit Cards
To completely enjoy a happy life that you dreamed of, the first thing that you should consider is to get rid of your credit card debts.
Most people in the present year usually experience credit card debt and most of them are seeking for the effective ways on how to easily get rid of their credit card debts. If you are still paying your credit card debts, you will not completely enjoy your money.
Paying all your credit card debts will greatly affect the overall budget of your family. Since most people really want to know the best ways to get rid of your credit card debts, here are some of the tips that you should follow to easily and quickly get rid of your credit card debts.
According to researches, credit card debts are considered as one of the usual problems of most people in the present year. Most people are seeking out for the easiest ways on how to easily and quickly get rid of their credit card debts. In order for you to fully understand this kind of scenario, it is very imperative that you are aware about some of the salient tips on how to get rid of your credit card debts.
The Useful Tips to Easily Get Rid of your Credit Card Debts
Avoid Using Credit Card-If you really want to easily get rid of unwanted credit card debts, the first thing that you should take into consideration is to avoid using your credit card. This is the only way that you can do to prevent the occurrence of the stigma of credit card debts.
Conquer and Divide-When it comes in avoiding your credit card debts, you must be aware and familiar with various strategies that you can make use to quickly eliminate your unwanted debts. The common strategy is to divide the overall total of your credit card debts by 12 then the next thing that you should do is to pay off the amount every month.
Do Hustle-In order to this, you need to have extra earning to make sure that you can easily pay your debt in just a short period of time. Apart from this, you can also pick part time job to gain additional income and at the same time you can be sure that you can quickly kill your credit card debts.
Keep Paying of-It is very important that you continue to pay your credit card debts until you completely pay all your debts. By doing this, you can be sure that you will surely enjoy your money and start saving funds for the future.
Chapter 8: Learn to do it Yourself
Living within your means and living a frugal life is considered as a do it yourself project. This is also one of the salient factors that you should consider to attain the real world of frugal life and living with your means.
It is very imperative that you know the proper way on how to do such things by yourself and rest assured that you will surely love the amazing results. Living frugally requires patience and willingness to attain your long term goal especially when it comes to living within your means and living a frugal life.
In order for you to be familiar with living a frugal life and living within your means, here are some of the facts that you should know about accomplishing a “do it yourself project”.
Understanding the “Do it yourself Project”
If you really want to discover the real world of frugal life and living within your means, the first thing that you should do is to learn on how to do it by yourself. If you have patience, passion, willingness and dedication in completing a certain project will greatly help you to easily save a huge amount of money.
One of the great examples for this is gardening. If you decided to engage with gardening activities, you will have a great chance to save money and at the same time produce great harvest at the end of the day. Gardening is also considered as do it yourself project that will serve as your guide and key in attaining your long term goal of living a frugal life.
In line with this, by simply completing a certain project, you can be sure that you can easily save money. Refashion and re-work clothing, building a fence, refinishing your furniture at home, sew your curtains and painting your house are one of the few do it yourself project that is typically endless.
In this point of time, it is very important that you fully understand the real significance of “do it yourself project” and you can be sure that obtaining a frugal life and living within your means will give you the opportunity to live a happy life that you always dreamed of.
Chapter 9: What to Avoid
In order for you to completely enjoy a frugal and happy life that you never imagined before, there are a wide variety of things that you should get rid of. When it comes to the things that you need to avoid, the first thing that you should avoid is comparison.
According to researches, comparisons are considered as the ultimate “death of joy”. If you are chasing other’s lifestyle then you are forgoing the chance to easily create the life that is filled with important things that will make you happy.
Here are some of things that you should avoid in order to make sure that you will attain a happy life that you never imagined and feel before.
Things to Avoid
In the real world of frugal life, there are several things that you should avoid in order to make sure that you will attain your long term goal. It is also very imperative that you fully understand about the things that you should avoid. In this way, you can easily determine the main cause of problems that might happen in exploring your frugal life.
Apart from avoiding comparison, the next thing that you need to get rid of is to avoid spending too much money than your income. You need to make sure that you spend your money wisely and avoid spending too much on those things that you don’t frequently use and need. In order for you to surely enjoy your frugal life and living within your means, avoiding these things must be your top priority.