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The 7 Step Blueprint To Rewiring Your Mind For Success
Consider the world’s most successful people. Or better yet, consider the people in your own life who you consider to be successful.
What do they have in common?
There are lots of things but a few points that may be coming to mind are:
- Drive, passion and determination
- Charisma, confidence – possibly looks
- Presence and swagger
- Courage and determination
- Creativity and inventiveness
- Positivity
These are the people who come into your workplace, looking fantastic and knocking it out the park every single day. The guys are dressed in fantastic-looking suits that fit them perfectly of course. The women are in pencil skirts with amazing heels that no one else would be able to walk in.
They look immaculate and they charm themselves up the corporate ladder. Maybe you’ve been around their house and seen that it is completely pristine and beautifully decorated. Maybe you’ve introduced them to your friends and they’ve been completely charming and magnetic.
You would hate these people… if only they weren’t so decent and great to be around! Which of course just makes it all the more frustrating…
But instead of being frustrated, you should instead try to be inspired. What is it that they have that you don’t? How can you go about accomplishing the same things for yourself? How can you be ‘one of those people’?
This 7-step blueprint will show you how…
Step 1: Know What You Want
The first step to success is to know exactly what you want. You have to know your passions and your dreams and you need to know what motivates you. It might sound simplistic but it’s something that all too many people are completely unaware of. Ask someone what their dream is and they might tell you ‘to make senior management’.
That’s not exactly a very inspiring goal…
But what if you aren’t one of those people who has always had a singular dream? Who has always known exactly what they wanted? What can you do then to accomplish your goals?
To solve this problem, a good strategy is to think in terms of ‘visions’ rather than goals. What is your ‘vision’ for the future? Picture your perfect future and picture what life would be like if you had everything go exactly your way.
There will be some abstract concepts and some tangibles but either way, you can start to break it down into things that you can actually accomplish.
Another tip? Ask yourself when in your life you have been happiest. And what was it about that time that made you so happy?
Step 2: Break it Down Into Small Goals
Next, you need to break down that abstract vision into smaller goals that you can move toward. That means that you stop thinking in the long term and stop thinking about grand visions – instead you think about small steps you can take every day, or that you can take every week, that will help you to get to the point that you need to be at.
For example, if your vision involves being in incredible physical shape, then your daily steps might involve working out for 15 minutes a day, or perhaps eating 1,800 calories a day. If your goal is to be a best-selling novelist, then your small steps will involve writing a page every night.
Instead of daydreaming, it’s time to get realistic and to actually start implementing realistic steps to getting what you want. No more excuses!
Step 3: Keep Your Vision in Mind
While performing these small steps though, you must always keep that overarching vision in mind. This is what will have the emotional hook for you and it’s what is going to give you the impetus to keep going even when you’re tired.
And this is also why it’s so important that your vision be true to who you are – that this is really want you want from life and not what you think you should want – or what other people want for you.