Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Section Four: The Sales Pitch
To effectvely sell your products and services via webinars, engagement is key! Think about each element you are using to make your pitch and ask if your audience is geQng involved with your material. Are they bored? Do they feel it doesn't apply to them? Is it engaging? Is it excitng?
Think of it this way: If you had to condense your entire webinar to a 30 second pitch, what would you say? This exercise helps you focus your message and what you want your audience to take away.
Make sure your main presenter is a good speaker. Webinars share more with traditional film and TV than you think. People are used to a certain level of professionalism and clear presentation. You don't have to be a TV anchor or infomercial pitch man, but don't use a low energy, mumbling personality as your webinar leader.
Use clear, simple, active, colorful images that communicate your ideas.
Start with your end goal. What are you selling?
What does your prospect need to believe so they buy what you are pitching? What concept do they need to understand and accept to buy?
Position your product as the solution.
Don't just pitch like a machine saying, ' 'Buy! Buy! Buy!' ' It does not work. Provide value beforehand, and show the prospect why they should accept your ideas and solutions.
Ideally, you want to do as much marketing and selling upfront before the webinar itself as possible. You'll get much better sales results if you do.
Start the Webinar
Be energetic and enthusiastic. To sell , you need to use emotion. Start on time. Welcome attendees. Turn off all software. Make sure you have water, coffee, lemonade or whatever makes you refreshed and happy.
Tell them to grab paper to take notes. Give them a glimpse of how their lives will change from the informaPon.
Tell them to stay on to the end so they can get a special bonus or gio.
Make a ' 'Big Promise.' ' What is the single big benefit they will get from the webinar. In one sentence, what will they get or what skills will they learn? What pain will you address.
Use stories to tell them where you were before you found this informaPon. Tell them how you changed, and what your life was like aOerward. This is called future pacing. Your stories should be simple. You don't need to write a novel —simply use fast, short stories.
Explain why they should use your product. Then show why they should they listen to you. Give your credibility and experience. YOU are the expert, or your webinar leader is the expert. Tell the audience why you or your webinar leader is an expert and why they should listen and believe.
Share your personal story. This is where you can use words like ''imagine.' ' Say things like '' Imagine what your life will be like when you get these results as well.' ' What is the REAL benefit people get? They get freedom, Pme for family, financial independence, travel, etc. Show how your webinar removes the pain they are experiencing.
Provide visual social proof like screenshots or comments from current users. Show visual proof in all kinds of forms. Be creaPve.
Next explain why they should take acPon now. Remind them they don't want to wait anymore. Start getting them geared to taking acPon now. Show how in your industry, NOW is the Pme. Lay out the factors that are influencing your field. Here is why your soluPon is the one--show how they will grow with your soluPon FAST.
Deliver content that meets your Big Promise. Give them real valuable content that shows how to get the benefits you said you could deliver. Do not push junk. Provide real value, and over deliver on what you said you could do. Do not be stressed or nervous. If you feel nervous, refocus on your webinar a8endees.
This should be your ' ' guiding star ' ' for all of your webinar acPviPes and markePng. FOCUS ONTHE CUSTOMER. What does your target market want? What pain are they experiencing? Why are you the guru? What soluPons do you offer?
Once you've delivered your core content, now is the Pme to sell. You should have already delivered on what you promised, so they now believe you and are presold on your soluPon and that you are the person that can deliver it.
Present your product, service or soluPon. Realize they will believe you and go along with your pitch if they were already sold on your Big Promise. They now believe they should take the acPon you have been suggested. Explain the features and benefits of your product.
If you have them, offer bonuses to build value in the offer. Add in price jusP'ficaP'on by comparing your soluPon to what they would pay if they hired professionals on their own. For example, you might say, ' ' If you hired an offline markePng consultant to help get traffic to your videos, you'd pay $5000 per month at a minimum, and that's IF they will take you as a client. ' ' Show how your product is way lower.