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Winning the ongoing affiliate war isn’t easy but (unlike some wars) it IS winnable. The affiliate wars cannot and will not be won by lazy affiliate marketers. The affiliate marketing wars will be won by the aggressive strategists who are willing to work hard and long.
Affiliate marketing is not for the faint of heart. If you had really known how tough the competition is in affiliate marketing would you have joined the fray? It doesn’t matter. You are in the midst of it now and quitting simply is not an option for a true warrior. The only option is winning...and winning BIG!
Winning the affiliate marketing wars means winning the small daily battles and minor skirmishes one at a time and winning them decisively.
You want to become one of those super affiliates. You want to become one of those big earners that make an annual income that has more than one comma in that number on the bottom line, right?
Then you need to be prepared to work hard. You need to be prepared to do more than what is required. You need to be prepared to go that extra mile.
First and foremost, reputation counts in affiliate marketing. There are thousands of affiliate marketers out there but the ones who make the big bucks are the ones who have established high visibility and great credibility for themselves. Establishing credibility and visibility go hand in hand and establishing both are critical to your success and your victory over your competitors.
Credibility and visibility are established in several ways. Two of the most important ways of establishing credibility and visibility are by writing and marketing articles and E-Books that relate to the products and services that you sell. You must establish yourself as an expert...a guru, if you will.
You need to become the guy or the gal that others go to when they need information or need questions answered. Writing articles and E-Books (or having them written for you by a ghost writer) is one of the very best ways of establishing your reputation as a person who has answers.
Articles that you write or have written for you by a ghost writer will be uploaded into article banks for other website owners of E-zine publishers to download and reproduce free of charge. At the bottom of each 300-400 word, key-word rich article you will include a resource box that has your name and your website address in it. This helps to spread your name and news of your knowledge around the Internet to those who are the most likely to be your customers.