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An easy test if we have multiple items is to run one auction in different categories and see which results in more watchers. That way we can select the best categories. We also want to pay attention to the prices realized because we are after dollars not watchers.
One note about this, you can run up to 10 auctions for the same item at a time. This means if you find categories that work, you might want to run your auction in more than one category.
Side note: if you have many of the same item a way to get great results is to run an auction for one item, and then send second chance offers to other bidders who bid more than your minimum selling price.
Using second chance offers lowers your eBay fees and usually results in higher prices because the items seem scarcer. Now back to ways to use watchers to do better on eBay.
Another way I use the number of watchers is to decide whether to let an auction end, or cancel it before it ends. You can cancel an auction and all bids in one click up to 12 hours before it ends. In the last 12 hours you cannot cancel bids if you end your auction.
For example I had an auction running when I wrote this with 21 watchers. It's currently at $103, and I expect it to end tomorrow at $225-275. With that number of watchers I can be confident the auction will move up. (The item sold for $345!)
I have another auction ending tomorrow with no watchers and no bids. I expected that auction to end in the $20-25 range. Based on the number of watchers I can be confident it won't reach my expected selling price. So I'll cancel the auction rather than risking only one bidder buying it for 99 cents.
In the second auction, I can relist the item later, or I can just sell the item at a local show. I rarely do reserve price auctions. By tracking the number of people watching my auctions, I can save money on listing fees and insure I get a reasonable amount for my items.
When I cancel items I also take into account the price. I want my items to reach at least 40% of the expected selling price with 24 hours left. If they aren't at 40% or don't have at least 25 people watching them, I end the auction. That's a few ways knowing the number of auction watchers can help your selling.