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Why Some People Fail At Internet Marketing
Why Failure Sometimes HappensHappens
Getting into Internet marketing is like going into business for yourself. What most people fail to realize is that the same types of obstacles and challenges that people have when they go into business offline are the same obstacles and challenges they might face online, except in a different format. If you have difficulty selling items in a regular brick-and-mortar store, don't think that slapping a website up on the World Wide Web is going to transform you into an instant super sales person. It won't. Instead, seek to become a better business person all around, taking your cue from basic business practices, and then transferring those skills online to be successful.
Business is a competition, just like sports. You don't go out to the playing field assuming that your team will lose. You don't let a few setbacks sour you on the entire game. You give it your all until the umpire blows the whistle and the game is over. Then, there is time for regret, but until then, the game can always be turned around at the last minute.
Having a positive attitude when you go into Internet marketing is essential, just like it is when you are competing in sports. If you think you will fail, you will. There is no better self-fulfilling prophecy than someone who half-heartedly goes into business only to make excuses for why the business failed. It didn't fail after they started doing it. It failed the minute that they didn't believe in themselves. If you want the stamina and persistence to get into Internet marketing and to be successful, you have to understand that there will be setbacks, but you have to be able to use everything as a learning experience to finally cross that finish line as a winner.
Every business is a reflection of the owner who creates it, and Internet marketing is no different. If your strength is in structuring a product lineup and not in sales, then you have to get people on your team who can cover the weakness, while you cover the strength. Sit down right now and carefully assess any businesses you've created in the past. What were you good at? What did you fail at? Learning from failure is the key to success. Those people who fail to learn from their mistakes, as it is said, are doomed to repeat them. Therefore, you already have a fertile history of what types of obstacles you might encounter in this new venture, and can prepare an alternate plan to get you past them even before they occur.
False Expectations Can Trip You
If you've heard that you can make BIG money on the Internet, it's true. You can. Will you make it immediately? While some people appear to have done so overnight, the truth is that they have gathered those skills over time until, one day, it all came together for them. If you think that all you have to do to make money on the Internet is to put up a website and wait for people to show up, you have a set of false expectations that are completely unrealistic. Here are the three biggest misconceptions to Internet marketing that will only lead to disappointment if they’re not tempered with some common sense.
If you have a job, keep it. Internet marketing is best learned as a side business until it becomes more profitable. Unless you are independently wealthy, you are going to want some steady source of income while you get more real life experience with the Internet and with making money online. Set some monetary goals, but don't make them so outlandish that they demoralize you instead of inspire you. Do you want to make an extra $500/month? If so, do you have a strategy planned to make that income. Once you reach a goal, increase it. At the point you're making what your job offers you, quit! Then, you are at the crux of learning how to zoom way past the small amount of money that your job offers.
Internet marketing is an exciting field to learn, and if you hitch it to your passion, it will seem like fun learning and not like homework. However, if you think that all you have to do is to learn how to put up a blog, that's just the bare minimum. You will have to learn how to get traffic to the blog and then have the right offers to create income from the blog. It's not just the technical aspects of setting up a website that take time to learn. It's the art of marketing online, which is even more important, that will take some time to learn. Expect that there is some work and time involved, and don't be discouraged if at first you don't make a single penny and spend a few weeks simply learning the ropes.