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Let's get one thing clear, we're all works in progress. There's always room for improvement in our lives regardless of how well put together we may seem to other people, there's always a spot or an area in our personal lives that we know we need to work on. Unfortunately, life moves so quickly and we may have so many duties, obligations and responsibilities that we become blind to this problem area.
In fact, for too many of us, we only become aware of them when it’s too late. You only sit up and pay attention once your partner is about to close the door behind her or him permanently. You only get a clue when you sit down in front of your boss and he or she tells you that the company is going to let you go. You only get the memo when your kid starts exhibiting antisocial and destructive behavior.
If any of these resonates with you, don't despair; you are hardly alone. Too many of us are so caught up in our lives that we become blind to certain signals that show us our life has lost balance. We start defining ourselves by our jobs. We start viewing ourselves largely in terms of our routine. In fact, if we're not careful, we start equating identity with possessions, status or reputation.
Whatever you’re struggling with regardless of how big or how small, there’s a high chance that its costs directly or indirectly, completely or partially by a lack of balance. How do you know? Well, here are the 10 signs that your life is off balance. Each item will include a description and a discussion of possible solutions.
Lacking energy every once in a while, is not a bad thing. If you are a high energy person who believes in giving 110% every single day, don't be surprised if you have an off day every once in a while. With that said, if you notice that you are sluggish pretty much all day every day, you might want to sit up and pay attention.
That physical sluggishness might be a signal of other forms of sluggishness. Maybe you're mentally sluggish; or maybe you’re emotionally slowing down; maybe your ability to connect the dots is degrading overtime. The physical symptoms of sluggishness and lack of energy, or lack of motivation actually highlights other things that are going on in your life.
Possible Solution
By looking at sluggishness as simply a physical symptom of other things that are going on in your life that you should pay attention to, you should focus on a wholistic solution. Understand that low energy is just one piece of the puzzle; by tracing its connection to other areas of your life and you would have a better appreciation of what truly is going on. Once you get this wholistic view of your sluggishness, you can have a healthier understanding of what wellness truly means.
This opens the door for a wide range of personal interventions that would enable you to feel healthier across the board. I'm not just talking about getting rid of that sluggish feeling, I’m talking about feeling like and living life like you are always aiming for peak existence. This is possible, [click here].
Have you reached the point that even your smallest and insignificant decisions take a lot of your time? This is a red flag, do not ignore this. This means that your ability to focus is off the rails. Now, you may be thinking that this just has something to do with your mindset or your psychological processes.
I'm sorry to say but it runs deep. Because if you are having a tough time making decisions, this means your personal focus is off and normally your focus has an impact on other areas of your life.
Possible Solution
When you have a tough time with willpower and focus, you might want to consider what you do physically; you might reconsider what you choose to eat; you might want to revisit your daily physical routine. All of these are tied in together. Your choice of ritual like it or not has a big role to play in your state of mind and your ability to focus.
To get a clear road map on maximizing your personal focusing ability, [click here].
When you keep holding off on making choices, two things could be happening. First, you really don't know how to decide so you just kick the can down the road. Similarly, you just run out of personal focus; you just don't have the willpower to make the decision. You think you have an idea of what the right choice is but you just can't quite get off the fence. This happens to the very best of us.
And unfortunately, the more we postpone these decisions, the bigger this bad habit becomes. You may start with relatively small and significant choices with a fairly light consequences, but if this becomes a habit that don't be surprised if you start holding off on life or death decisions. These things have a way of snowballing. And worse yet, the more you do this, the harder it is for you to make a decision until you reach a point you just can't make a call at all.
Possible Solution
When you're having a tough time making decisions, pay attention to your physical habit. Do you work out in the morning? Do you get some sort of exercise? What did you eat? What do you normally eat in a typical day? Who do you hang out with? These questions might seem like they are not related to each other but they are; they all go back to the same place.
To find out how small decisions in certain areas of your life can have a big impact on your ability to focus and make wise decisions, [click here].
As we get older, we begin to look at the world in terms of shorthand. We only listen for certain keywords and then we assume that whatever somebody is saying is what we think it is. The same applies to the stuff that we read. We don't really read anymore – we scan, and once we see certain keywords, that's when we read some more then we rush to conclusion.
If this is happening to you, welcome to the club. This practice is a manifestation of the fact that most people really don’t allow themselves to learn something new. We feel that there’s not enough hours in a day, so we have to rush through it – we just don't have the time. The truth is, we don’t give ourselves the time. We don’t allow ourselves to be open to new experiences because we either think that it would be too scary; it will take too much time or too much effort. Whatever the case may be, we just don't allow ourselves to do it – this is a problem.
If you want to be effective in whatever you do and more responsive in your relationships, you need to break out of this. Unfortunately, that's easier said than done.
Possible Solution
There are a couple of tricks that you can use to jumpstart your natural sense of curiosity. This may not be obvious to a lot of people but they are quite effective. You have to understand that your willingness to learn something new doesn't just impact your effectiveness at work; it also impacts how interesting you are as a person. It has a big role to play in how you view life. [Click here] to figure out how everything fits together and what you can do about it.