Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Anik: Yea, it's a networking game. Just get your face into that market and keep contact with everybody. But, that takes a few hours a day and you won't see immediate results. So, be patient. Kevin Bidwell's strategy is that it might take two months of working everyday, so you have to be ready to work a few hours a day and not see anything for a month or two.
Terry: Right. Next question is from Vincent. He says, "Let's say I build a mini site for an affiliate program. Do you know how I can get at least 100 visitors a day to my website as soon as possible without paying a single cent on advertising without any article submissions?"
Anik: Yep. You're going to do link exchanging. Or, do forum promotions. If you start participating in a forum, and if you participate in a couple of them with five or so posts a day, if it's an active forum you should be able to get 100 visitors a day. But, that on your part requires activity everyday. If you want to just get traffic that comes everyday where you don't have to do something everyday, do link exchanging.
Terry: Excellent. Next one is from Sandra. She says, "I've been told that you need to have an autoresponder with at least seven messages to send out the messages to someone when he/she signs up for whatever business or product that you're selling. I'm new to this, and I paid for an autoresponder, but I have no idea what or how to write a series of messages. So, how do I get it on my site? I've been offered many scripts, what do I do with them? And, I'd like to know how to get started writing a newsletter." Maybe first question first.
Anik: The answer to the first one is that you need to find some examples that have already been done. So, in your niche, you need to find someone who has written a similar course, sign up for it, and see how they do it. If there's more than one, then perfect: sign up for all of them and see how they do it. There's a lot of material that you can buy online. I know that in the Affiliate Classroom, we have a marketing library with a couple of very good books about autoresponders, what to do with them and how they work. So, have some patients, observe, see what other people are doing, sign up for as many as you can, and read them all.
Terry: The next part says, "I paid for a website, and it has something called CPanel. I don't even understand the instructions. It would be nice to have one website that I could go to that had a step-by-step how to do things, instead of saying what to do but not explaining how. Is there a website like that?"
Anik: It really depends on the guy who designed it and what he gave her. Most affiliate marketers have the issue of web building. Whatever system she has could be very different and unique. She could go to a lot of websites and they all get very technical very quickly so she'll get lost very quickly. I think for someone who's not computer savvy, going into your CPanel and going into your databases is just a big no-no. Even with directions, you can screw up pretty quickly. She has the option of getting someone who is familiar with this type of coding, and paying him or her on a regular basis to keep her site updated. I know that sounds expensive, but if you go to elance or scriptlance, it's not that expensive to hire someone.