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The preceding chapter highlighted the importance of cultivating correct attitude and developing faith in what you seek to achieve in life.
Nothing in life is impossible, unless you think it so. Thoughts are remarkable ‘packets’ of energy and if you tenaciously cling to a certain thought with the dynamic willpower, there is no reason why this thought cannot manifest according to the blueprint you have created.
Earlier I briefly mentioned by explaining how a person interested in art can step up his/her abilities to excel in life. I shall now use the same example to illustrate the power of thought. An artist develops an idea of creating a painting or a drawing of a beautiful landscape.
The thought process initiates a series of ideas and the artist subsequently uses these ideas to produce the skeleton work, which allows him/her to eventually complete the final work of art according to the mental blueprint created initially. A mere thought process allows the artist to create the masterpiece!
This creation is in itself a scientific principal based on the Universal Law Of Creation. It is the source from which everything manifests. It is in us all, and it can certainly be tapped if you are just willing to give it a go. The secret is not really a secret, but it is a treasure trove within each and every one of us and we have the right to use it most efficaciously.
Is it not true that when you see someone so very happy and elated, your mind gets caught up with the cheer and you discover that there is a smile on your face?
The thoughts are so closely interweaved with the mind. If the thoughts are calm the mind is calm. In any aspect of life, be it starting a business, getting your first job or getting married, the relationship of mind and thought is foremost.