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Most people will have at least heard about body language, a form of non-verbal communication. Some of it is even easy to interpret. Let us say someone slaps you across the face. This indicates that they are angry or upset with you, even though they might not have said a single word. On the other end of the scale if someone throws their arms around you and hugs you it is normally a fairly good sign that they are happy to see you. Again, they may not have uttered a single word.
Yet most body language signals are more subtle and not that easy to read. Much has been written about body language and how to interpret it. There are countless books on the subject as well as millions of websites. Most of them will tell you how to recognize and interpret facial expressions, eye movements and hand gestures. There are, however, other areas of the body such as the neck, back and chest that should not be ignored.
The Neck
Let us start with the neck. It should be taken into consideration that body language is not a new phenomenon. It is as old as man is. Back in prehistoric time man was constantly under threat from predators. When most predators attack, they will go either for the side of the neck or for the throat, tearing out the trachea. Even today, when people feel threatened they lower their chin and hunch their shoulders. Without realizing it all, what they are doing is covering their jugular vein and protecting their throat.
When someone is angry, they will often raise their hand and slap it to the back of their neck. What they are actually doing is repressing the urge to hit someone. People will sometimes rub their neck as a subconscious indication that they do not believe what someone is telling them.
Someone sitting back with both hands clasped behind their neck is displayed a confident or dominant posture.
The Back
The posture of a person‘s back can tell you a lot about them. Someone who stands or walks with a straight back is usually displaying confidence, strength, pride and power. Their body language says ?I know who I am, I know what I am, don‘t mess with me." On the other hand someone walking or standing with a slouched back says just the opposite. This often makes them targets for bullies or thugs because they look like victims.
The Chest
Men in particular will often pull their shoulders back and push their chests out as a show of either confidence or arrogance. Both men and women will push their chest out in an attempt to impress a member of the opposite sex.
It is claimed that women send out five times more sexual body language signals than men do. Many women use body language to flirt, either consciously or subconsciously. Women who are flirting will often wear a low cut top or dress that reveals the skin on her back, chest or shoulders. They may lift their hair to reveal the skin on their neck.