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Now that you've read a little bit about just why you procrastinate...wait, you DID read that chapter right? You didn't put it off until later, did you? What do you mean you didn't think it was important? How are you going to stop procrastinating of you don't understand WHY you do it in the first place?Taking a good hard look at why you don't start your term paper until the night before it's due, or why you put off cleaning those rain gutters is the first step in learning how to change that behavior. Below are a few strategies to help you stop procrastinating. Not every tip will work for every person, so take what you can from this list and see what works for you.
Take an Inventory. Do you hear a little nagging voice in your head telling you that you need to do something? Can you see a visual in your head about the taskyou're avoiding and are you feeling the physical and emotional consequences of what will happen if you don't complete this task? Look at the clues that tell you just when and how you're procrastinating and you'll be able to see that you are indeed putting something off. Sometimes it's difficult to tell when you're procrastinating because you're attempting to avoid thinking about it but if you piece together the clues you'll be able to pinpoint your behavior in order to get a handle on it.
Learn How You Procrastinate. Doyou think if you ignore the job at hand it will eventually go away and not bother you? I tried that once with a speeding ticket and nearly lost my license due to procrastination. Trust me when I say that ignoring the problem/job won't cause it to disappear in a puff of smoke.
Do you over-estimate or under-estimate the degree of difficulty in completing the task? Do you scoff at the impact not finishing the task will have on your future? Perhaps you substitute something important for something REALLY important, like putting the dishes away instead of working on that term paper that's due in two hours.
Maybe you take a short break, but let that "short' break turn into an all night event, and therefore put off getting to that taskyou need to finish. You might focus on one part of the job to the exclusion of the remaining task and thereby never finish the entire thing. Once you recognize how you procrastinate, you'll better be able to put a stop to it. Often we don't even realize that we are procrastinating until it's too late and we've missed a deadline.
Make Yourself a Productive Environment. For example, if you work from home, create a home office where there's no TV to distract you from your work. Sure, that baseball game is playing but you don't have time to watch it because you have a deadline with a client. If the TV is there, you'll be tempted to turn it on and then full-blown procrastination occurs. If you are addicted to the Internet, but need to use your laptop or computer to do your work, then try to go somewhere where you won't be able to receive a signal and get online. Removing temptation to do something other than what you NEED to do will help you put a stop to procrastination.
Throw Out Those Procrastination Myths. "I work best under pressure" That's the myth that nearly kept me from graduating from college. Once you believe that you can only work under pressure, you're giving yourself permission to procrastinate. This can snowball and create serious problems for you if you have several deadlines looming
"I can't do this unless I have five uninterrupted hours" This is simply another stalling technique that master procrastinators use for telling themselves it's ok to not start the project because they won't have time to finish it. Hello? If you don't start the taskyou'll never finish it. It's ok to start something and then stop so you can finish it later. Sometimes the simple act of beginning a task will break the cycle of procrastination and allow you to finish your job. I can't do this unless ifs perfect. The problem that most procrastinators have is that we are too hard on ourselves, demanding perfection where perfection is impossible. If you think you can't start your term paper until you have THE perfect opening sentence, then you have once again given yourself permission to put it off.
Break Down the Job. You have a job to do and it looks enormous. You could never, ever complete a job that big, so why even start? If that's your mindset, then you probably won't finish the job. In order to combat this kind of thinking, break the job or task down into small, manageable chunks. Your kitchen is a disaster, it's too much for you to handle. Start on one end and clean off one counter. Voila I You've started. Take baby steps and soon you'll see that the entire task has been completed.
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