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Chapter 6: Exercise Your Way To Better Well-being
Exercise has long been advocated as an ideal way to stay healthy, next only to healthy food choices made for consumption. However for one reason or another, a lot of people do not seem to consider exercising an important part of the daily lifestyle schedule. This is an even more disastrous decision, when it is accompanied by poor diet habits.
Great Info
In the quest to stay healthy through regular exercise regiments, it may be prudent to take the time to understand just how an exercise regiment can contribute positively to the overall well being of an individual. The following are just some points on how exercise can contribute to a healthier lifestyle:
Regular exercise sessions can help to keep the body weight under control thus avoiding the possibility of gaining unnecessary weight and becoming overweight.
However in order for any exercise regiment to have any positive impact, it should be done with a regular schedule in place and with the accompaniment of a healthy diet choice, and only then can it help to keep the access calories from turning into unwanted fats stored in the body.
Regular exercise also helps to keep the body systems is prime optimal working order. All the various body systems will be able to work efficiently as there would be regular dispercement of oxygen and blood flow to the various parts of the body at all times.
Mentally and physically the body will be able to functions better and be more alert.
Regular exercise has also been known to help the body produce the necessary chemical make-ups that keep a good balance within the system. This essential chemical balance can contribute positively to the avoidance of negativity in the body system, without which, symptoms such as depression and mood swings are very likely to occur.
Chapter 7: Detox Your Waste Away
The body naturally has its own detoxifying ways of getting rid of any negative residues left within the body system at regular intervals. However with the current lifestyles in place it is often difficult for the body to make such detox exercises complete and effective. Therefore there is a need to find other outside ways and means to help the body through the detox sessions.
Originally meant to eradicate the body system of alcohol and drugs there are now detox programs to actually help to recreate the optimum body conditioning for compete and better health. Such programs are fast gaining popularity and if used according to instruction the resulting conditions can be very impressive indeed.
Using certain diets, herbs and other specifically designed methods these detox programs help to remove any environmental and dietary toxins from the body system. Some of the ideas behind the use of these detox programs may include minimizing the amount of chemicals ingested which can be done with the consumption of just organic foods.
Another detox exercise would be designed around choosing foods that provide optimum vitamins, nutrient and antioxidants that the body needs to launch the detoxification exercise. There is also the detox program that contains foods such as those high in fiber and water to help draw out and eliminate toxins by increasing the frequency of bowel movements and urination.
All these efforts are needed to ensure optimum health simply because most adults live a lifestyle that is not very healthy to start with, thus the need for such invasive programs to keep the healthy balance in check.
Most people who advocate the use of detox programs on a fairly regulatory schedule, attest to the overall better health conditions. These may be evident in better and clearer skin conditions, more energy, regular bowel movements, better digestion, increased levels of concentration and generally any other positive improvements felt.
Chapter 8:
Essential Vitamins
The following is a general breakdown of the essential vitamins that would prove to be advantages to include into the diet plan for better health:
What’s Needed
Vitamin A - found in milk, cheese, cream, liver, kidney and certain types of fish oils. These have high content of saturated fats and cholesterol. Vegetable that are brighter and more vibrant in color contain higher levels of beta-carotene content.
Vitamin D - found in cheese, butter, margarine, cream, fish, oysters and skin that is exposed to controlled doses of sunlight.
Vitamin E - found in wheat germ, corn, nuts, seeds, olives, spinach, asparagus and other leafy vegetable and vegetable oils.
Vitamin K - found in cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, soybeans and cereals. Some bacteria in the intestinal tracks also help to produce this vitamin.
Thiamine also known as Vitamin Bi - found in fortifies breads, cereals, pasta, whole grains, lean meats, fish, dried beans, peas and soybeans, dairy products, certain fruits and vegetables.
Niacin also known as Vitamin B3 - found in dairy products, poultry, fish, lean meats, nuts, legumes and enriched breads and cereals.
Folate - found in green, leafy vegetables and many foods which are now fortified with this.
Vitamin B12 - found in eggs, meats, poultry, shellfish and milk or milk based products.
Pantothenic acid and biotin - found in eggs, fish, dairy products, whole grain cereals, legumes, yeast, broccoli and other vegetables in the cabbage family, white and sweet potatoes, lean beef and other similar category foods.