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You really don't need a set meal plan that is going to make you feel as though you are on a diet because let's face it; it's the dieting that got you here in the first place.
I want this to be the last program you will ever need and to do that you need to remember that diets don't work. They imply a temporary quick fix. What you need is a lifelong lifestyle change to get rid of the weight and to keep it off for good this time. You won't be told the portion sizes other than to eat 5 or 6 smaller meals throughout the day that leave you feeling satisfied, not full.
So in order to do that, I won't be giving you all of the 5 meals you must eat each and every day. This is where you start honing your own survival skills and exercise your own judgment because only you know yourself better than anyone else, better than I ever could. I don't know about you, when I see set meal plans it screams diet, deprivation and restriction. My mind already is already working against it and it won't take long until my body finally does.
What I will tell you and as you and I have both discovered along this journey is that you must eat well and exercise for it to have any significant change on your body.
We have spoken about having to lose 3,500 calories overall per week to lose one pound of fat. To do this you need to lose at least 500 extra calories per day and from the exercises above you can see how easy it can be. It doesn't have to be torturous exercise but something as simple as walking the dog, playing with the kids or going for a bike ride. You also know that if you want to step up your efforts that little bit extra simply increase your level of intensity to burn even more calories.
If you want to lose 2 pounds per week, double your workout time or your intensity level. There are plenty of activities above you can do to lose that amount of calories such as jump rope, high intensity treadmill, jogging or even swimming (swimming, which is low impact on your joints).
How you go about this is in your hands. You have to find the starting level comfortable for you then to work your way from there. Always remember to build muscle you have to feed muscle. Extra muscle tissue strips that fat right out of your system and burns it off for energy so it's important that you get a good balanced diet.
When it comes to eating never consume more than 20 grams of fat in a day. This way you are not burdening your body with unnecessary extra calories to burn off.
Consume smaller meals and take notice of the way you eat. Eat slower than you normally would. Focus on how you chew your food, take notice of how much food is on your plate so that it doesn't seem to vaporize before your eyes leaving you wanting second helpings. Eating slower gives your brain an accurate measure of fullness as it takes 30 minutes for your brain to register that you are full.
Make an effort to exercise at least 3 times per week any additional exercise will only increase calories burned contributing to your overall weight loss.
Don't eliminate entire food groups, ensure you eat a balanced diet with a mixture of good fat and complex carbohydrates. You need carbs for energy in order to lose the weight and you need a certain amount of good fats for normal body functioning. It's ok to have the occasional bad fat treat just remember the amount of exercise you'll have to do to burn it off.