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Now we're going to think about cooking at home. This is something that has steadily declined over the last thirty or forty years in the West as fast-food outlets have burgeoned. This is roughly the same period over which an epidemic of obesity has spread across the same countries. Is it a coincidence, 1 wonder? It’s a bit paradoxical too; every time I turn on my TV, there's a cookery program on. Masterchef this, Cake Bake-Off that. You’d have thought that that would have seeded a new revolution in home cooking. But no, fast food is as popular as ever. On top of this, and as I said before, there are simply millions of cook books available. Is anybody actually cooking from these books or are they just looking at the pictures?
I was recently looking at an old photo of hundreds of workers pouring through factory gates, probably about ninety years ago. There must have been something like two hundred men in that photo and there was not a single fat person to be seen. Not one. This was long before the advent of cheap burgers, chicken nuggets, pizzas and all the rest of this stuff. All of them ate their meals at home, every one of them. Fast food just didn’t exist. It’s not the full story, of course, but there is plenty of evidence to suggest that meals cooked at home are likely to be lower in fat and sugar than their restaurant chain counterparts.
Now, many people don’t know how to cook themselves a decent nutritious meal. The education system must bear some of the blame here. Time was when both boys and girls, but girls in particular, learned the fundamentals of cookery. Or self-reliance, as I’d call it. That doesn’t seem to happen much these days. Now, this isn’t a cookery book, it’s a book about your attitude to food, so I’m not going to go into the details of how to prepare individual dishes2. But a few general principles are worth discussing.
When you cook your own food, you are investing your own time, money and effort into it. This alone is likely to encourage you to take it seriously. And because you have control over the finished product, you are in a position to manipulate just about every aspect of its preparation: ingredients (especially how much fat & sugar), cooking method, cooking time, cooking temperature, herbs and spices, sauce, garnish. You name it. Aren’t you much more likely to appreciate a meal that you’ve prepared with care and attention yourself than one that’s been anonymously thrown together out of a series of plastic bags in the back kitchen of a fast food outlet? I think so.
I ought to point out that buying and preparing your own food can also be a lot cheaper than continually buying from the chains. You can buy supermarket packs of meat, fish and vegetables at a fraction of the price charged in restaurants. You’ll need to put your own time and effort into it, of course, but standing in the kitchen being thoughtful and imaginative about your next meal has got to be better than lolling on the sofa in front of re-runs of I Love Lucy, gulping down a burger from a polystyrene packet, hasn’t it?
Now, many people, faced with the prospect of cooking a proper meal for themselves, and possibly the whole family, are likely to grab a recipe book and follow it line by line. That’s all very well for a beginner but it’s not what I call cooking. You could just as easily be reading out instructions on how to build a dog kennel. I’ve never been an advocate of recipe books. They don’t help you to develop your own ideas and skill set. Simply following instructions is not the way to leam. You need to experiment and do things for yourself to begin to understand your food and how to prepare it. So my recommendation is to take a look at the recipe books by all means, see what sorts of foods you’d like to cook, get the ingredients together then shut the book and start teaching yourself You’ll find that it’s a far more satisfying approach to cookery.