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Believe it or not, dieting can actually make your fatter. As you reduce your food intake to lose weight, your body puts itself on 'famine alert'. It gets the idea that food is scarce and slows down your metabolism to make the best of the small amount of food it is receiving.
When we say we want to lose weight, what we really want to lose is fat. If we lose weight too quickly, almost 25 percent of that weight loss may be coming from water, muscle and lean tissue.
The reason behind this is that the body is designed to hold on to fat, so the body concentrates on breaking down muscle and losing water in an effort to hold on to its fat.
If this is your game plan to lose weight, it will be unsuccessful. Once you lose weight rapidly and then go back to your regular diet, your body automatically begins to store a higher percentage of your intake as fat. This is because your body wants to stock up on fat reserves in case such a famine occurs again.
Dieting often involves cutting down the consumption of a particular kind of food or just overall consumption. This may close some of the avenues of essential nutrients that our body needs. This is why dietary supplements become even more important, because when your body lacks in nutrients, it may fooled into thinking its famine time and starts storing fat as a precaution. Therefore, supplements of the right kind can actually make losing weight much easier and faster. Not only do supplements keep your body healthy, they also help you lose weight faster, naturally.