Ebook Sample Content Preview:
41. Make Use of Brain Storming Sessions
Before sitting down to write you may prefer to make use of a brain storming session. This allows you to come up with several ideas and scenarios and then decide which one suits your purpose the best.
Brainstorming sessions can be done alone or in a group session. While you can make notes some writers prefer to have more of a brain storming chat session. By vocalizing their ideas they can often come up with additional topics from suggestions of the other participants.
You can enjoy a brain storming session online by making use of Google+ Hangouts or by connecting with people on Skype.
Don’t forget that your brainstorming session doesn’t have to be a vocal one. You can simply section off a particular time period and use pen and paper, a spreadsheet or a mind mapping tool and brainstorm that way.
42. Have Someone Else Proof Read Your Content
If you have poured your heart and soul into your writing it can be extremely difficult to be objective when editing your work. Another disadvantage is that you know all of the content along with the sequence of events. Being aware of all of this information can make you skip over certain sections and miss errors.
For this reason it is often quite helpful to have someone else look over your work for you. They will be looking at the content with a fresh set of eyes. They will have the ability to pick out any grammar and punctuation mistakes. As well they can point out if a sequence of events does not make sense or there is a gap in something.
While it can be frustrating and un-nerving to let another person read your work, it is often the best way to go. Choose someone whose opinions you value and trust and allow them to look over your manuscript for you. They may even come up with helpful tips which can actually improve your book or content.
43. Start Your Articles with a Question
Website visitors are often looking for an answer to a specific question or a solution to a problem. So it can be helpful to them if your article starts off with a question. If they are looking for information on this particular topic they will be more likely to read your article to find the answer.
Plus writing content that has more of a question and answer format makes your content stand out from other websites. Also by starting with a question you can easily answer the question with your own thoughts and opinions. Everyone is allowed to offer their own opinions so why not you as the writer of the article?
In addition articles and posts which begin with a question often receive more comments on them. This is a great way to discover what topics are popular and which ones are attracting the attention of your readers. Of course you just want to keep writing more of them.
44. Try Writing in the Second Person
The majority of writers like to write from their own perspective and use the first person when writing. While there is nothing wrong with this, the reader may feel as though they are just reading an account or report from you.
You want to draw in the reader through your writing. One effective way to do this is by making use of the second person using words like ‘you’. The use of this word immediately draws the reader’s attention and they start to feel as though you are writing them a personal letter.
If you have ever read a second person article you will agree that you finding yourself nodding in agreement. Or you start to feel the emotions which are being described on the page. This is the connection that you want to build with your reader. It is very powerful and will have them coming back for more!
45. Read Your Work Out Loud
An easy way to find mistakes with your own writing is by reading it out loud. This can identify things such as sentences which run on too long. Or will help you find sentences or paragraphs that are not clear or have not been placed in the right sequence.
When reading out loud each time you stop to take a breath there should be some form of punctuation. This could be a comma, a question mark or a period or full stop. If you can’t speak a certain sentence in one breath then add commas so that you can.
Reading out loud certainly helps you pick up on things in your writing, if the words don’t sound good when spoken then simply rewrite them until they do.
46. Know Your Audience
This writing tip is especially important when it comes to writing copy for your sales pages. If you know who your audience is you can then target them with your writing. This includes writing copy that will provoke feelings and emotions in them. As well as writing for a specific gender, age group and possibly for a targeted audience in a specific geographical location.
To learn who your audience is you will want to make time to do your research. This way you will know what their likes and dislikes are, what their educational level is and what type of income range they fall into. As well as helping you create good copy this information will help you price your content so that it is affordable to your audience.
47. Keep Your Readers Engaged and Entertained
The one thing you want to keep in mind is that when people are reading content online they want to find their information quickly. For this reason your content needs to deliver on its promise immediately. Plus it must keep the reader engaged so that they read your entire article, post or book.
When your readers are entertained they will come back for more. Repeat visitors are important for your business as the more often they return the more likely they are to make a purchase from you.
Your main goal should be to develop a loyal following of readers. This can be achieved by continually adding new content to your site. You don’t necessarily have to always come up with fresh ideas. In fact there is nothing wrong with adding a new angle to something old!