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Most photographers trying to make their sites profitable will consider selling photographic prints the obvious solution.
It’s very hard to sell a high quality enlargement from an onscreen thumbnail though. Some people do in fact manage it very well, but unfortunately most fail dismally!
From the buyer’s perspective: most aren’t looking to buy prints when they arrive, remember, most aren’t looking to buy anything!
If they see something they do like, you are still trying to get them to buy something they haven’t physically seen from someone they don’t know, in some remote location. They will have to wait for delivery and it really will feel like a lottery to them.
Maybe a beautiful print will turn up, maybe it won’t!
For the photographer it is always going to be a tough sell. Ask anyone who has run a brick-and-mortar gallery and they will tell you print sales are hard, even in an ideal environment.
Online it’s even tougher … different people buy different images for different reasons – so it’s very difficult to ‘close’ this sort of sale with a one-size-fits-all pitch pre-written pitch.
In a live situation the salesperson can work out what it is about a photo that appeals to the customer, and then use that to close the sale … in an online situation you have to sit back and wait for the customer to make a decision.
When they do buy, you still have to produce the print and arrange packaging and shipping. All that adds up and in the end, you’re probably not left with much of a margin for your efforts.