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Craigslist and Kijiji are two classified sites that have the potential to generate a substantial amount of traffic to your website. They are particularly useful if you offer a service or have a local business.
To post an ad on Craigslist you will be required to create an account and verify it. Then you can start posting your services to the site. You simply pick a location or region and a category and submit your advertisement.
Craigslist gets around 10 million visitors each day so you can appreciate why this is a tool you should utilize in your business. Now they do have strict rules in place to protect everyone and to prevent spamming. Follow these rules and you won’t run into any issues.
Many affiliate marketers are using this site successfully to generate new customers. Plus you are able to promote eBay stores and even your own online store.
Craigslist has a search feature which is based on date and then by keyword. Images also help to increase your exposure and can easily be added to your ad by using their upload feature.
When writing your ad keep it short and to the point as these are the ones that normally get the best results. Craigslist allows you to track your ad and this can be done by email, phone or website referral.
One area of Craigslist which as a marketer you should visit is the forum section. This section often gets overlooked but holds some valuable information and connections for you. The Craigslist forum is the most highly trafficked area on the entire site.
Use the forum area to connect with other buyers, sellers and marketers. Watch what they are doing and you will learn how to use Craigslist to your advantage.
Kijiji is another popular classified ad site, especially in Canada. It is free to post ads and you don’t even have to register an account. Again you just pick the location you wish to advertise in, select an appropriate category and write your ad.
There are many other classified sites which you can use in a similar manner. Some will charge to list business ads, so check their rules and regulations first.