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How often you will backup your files can vary depending upon how much you update your Website. Only you can determine if backing up your files on a daily basis is feasible, but I recommend you at least make weekly backups of your most important Websites.
I would also suggest that you store your most vital files on a USB flash drive. While you can back-up important files on your hard-drive and external hard-drive, keep in mind that they are at risk of contracting viruses and can become corrupted.
There is also the possibility that your computer could be destroyed in a fire, flood, or other natural disaster, wiping out all of your data. That is why you should always keep your flash drive inside a fireproof safety deposit box. I place my most indispensable files on my USB flash drives on weekly basis.
Once I am done copying the files onto the flash drives, they go right back inside the fireproof box.
Remember, this information is your most valuable asset and should be treated as such.