Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Getting Help for Your Website
Running a website takes up a lot of time. You need to create new con-tent. Then, you need to promote that content after you publish it. The content has to be really good in this competitive environment. If yours is not, another website with better content is right around the proverbial corner. A good plan may be to seek out the help of others.
This will be the most expensive option and one that is not completely necessary. But, it probably will be the quickest. Plus, the fact that you are paying for your content means that you can be strict about the stand-ards you receive. If you don’t like what someone is producing, you can ei-ther ask for improvements or find someone else.
College Internships
One dilemma college students face when graduating is not having any ex-perience. How do they get experience when they haven't been in the workplace? If you advertise an internship, you can have them help you with your website, and they can get that much-needed experience. You may even be able to work with the school so that the student can get col-lege credits for the work.
Guest Posts
When your website gets a bit more known, you may find people starting to reach out to you to write for your website. They will do it for free in exchange for a byline which points back to their website. This can be a great way to get content created for your website and gives the guest poster some exposure to his or her website. One thing you want to stay away from, however, is guest posting exchanges. These have been re-cently frowned upon in the search engines.
Public Domain Information
Public Domain information is freely available to anyone for the taking. You can do as you choose with it, including commercial endeavors. There are several rules as to when something becomes part of the Public Do-main, and you should seek out the advice of a qualified professional. There are entire courses and books dedicated to this topic.
Private Label Rights
A Private Label Rights (PLR) product is one where valid holders of those products can use them as specified by the PLR agreement. These rights vary across the product creators. But, they often allow you to alter the content, sell it to others, and use them as giveaways for list building. If you decide to use these for your website, make sure you are allowed to do so and that you can modify them to enhance their value.
Great Resources for Website Owners
The following are some resources that website owners can use to get the most out of their websites. Be aware that these resources can change over time and others are constantly coming onto the scene.
Grammar Resources
Readers take you much more seriously when your website doesn’t contain grammar errors. The two biggest resources website owners can start with are: Grammarly.com and HemmingwayApp.com. Both have free and paid versions. Start out with the free versions and as your website becomes more established, you can decide if you want to upgrade.
It’s never a good idea to copy the work of others. It is okay to reference short segments of other people’s work as long as you give them credit. This is a copyright term known as fair use. However, if you want to en-sure your documents have not been published elsewhere use Copy-scape.com.
Amazon and Kindle
Amazon has a large amount of resources available to website owners. If you are in the beginning stages of your website, you will need to learn much about what needs to be done. They also have several resources for advanced website owners.
Keep in mind that you can also use Kindle books as ideas on what to write about for your niche. There are thousands of books available in just about any category. Sometimes, all that is needed is to scan the table of con-tents to generate an idea or two for your website.
Udemy has many classes available for website owners. Udemy offers courses for free as well as paid options. When seeking paid options, make sure you search online for coupons as you can get large discounts for courses that you take. Sometimes, those coupons knock down the price to $0, which obviously means it’s free.
Hosting Reviews from HostingFacts.com
Website hosting companies fall in and out of popularity. As such, you want an updated resource to help you determine which host to choose in case you run into trouble with your current company. Since hosting is cheap, you have the option of signing on with multiple companies. This gives you the capability of switching if one company goes down and takes your site with it. You simply point your name server to the alternative company, and you’ll be up and running in minutes. It used to take several hours to several days for name servers to propagate through the system. Today, it often happens in minutes. That’s why this could be a viable technique to keep your website running.
How Much Advertising Should Be on Your Website?
If you start getting good traffic on your website, why not put up some ad-vertising to make money? This is what many new website owners believe, but it could be hurting them.
Online advertising isn’t what it used to be. Web users are becoming more savvy and sophisticated. They are ignoring banners and other ads. It's a concept known as ad blindness. In the early days of the web, you simply had to send traffic to your ad-enabled website, and you were sitting pretty as far as revenue was concerned. This is no longer the case.
It’s a good idea for new webmasters to keep the advertising to a mini-mum, if at all. Initially, your website is unestablished. Google doesn’t like websites that focus primarily on making money. Instead, if you focus on creating value for your readers, you will gain authority. Google will notice this authority and reward you with better rankings. As your web-site increases its rankings and authority, you can slowly incorporate some advertising where it makes sense.
Make sure when you add your advertising to test its effectiveness. Test where on the page it works the best and which ads are doing better than others. You can use the concepts of split testing and click through rates to get this information. Many advertising platforms allow you to add code to certain pages to determine the conversions of the ad placement. If you find that your advertising is not bringing you a good return, find other ways to make money with your website.
An alternative to advertising is affiliate sales. You contract with major companies, such as Target, WalMart, etc. They give you a coded link that you place on your website. Usually, this link is incorporated into the con-tent on your website. If visitors click on that link and purchase products as a result, you receive a commission from the vendor.
If you decide to use any form of advertising, and/or affiliate sales, make sure it is relevant to the theme of your website. You will confuse readers if you advertise baby carriages on a website about Forex Investing. Some-times, you can connect products in a unique and innovative manner. But, it should always fit into the message of your website.
Whatever monetization strategy you decide upon, make your number one objective offering value to your readers. This could be in the form of of-fering reviews on products, revealing scams, or it could simply be an up-date to what is going on in your life.
Issues You May Face as a Webmaster
Owning a website is a fun and exciting experience. But, once in a while, you are likely to come across some issues that get in the way of your ef-forts. Here are some common ones to consider.
Getting Hacked
Many websites get hacked. It’s a fact of life. If yours is one that has never been hacked, consider yourself lucky. However, it could be only a matter of time before it happens. The more popular your website becomes, the more likely it will be to get hacked.
One way to reduce the occurrence of hacking is to make sure you have strong passwords. This is for any aspect of your website. Your password for your registrar should not be the same for your hosting, and your host-ing should not be the same if you have a WordPress installation.
It’s understandably annoying to have to memorize all of those passwords, especially the more complicated they become. And they should be com-plicated. You should set them with uppercase and lowercase letters. Put some numbers and symbols in them if allowed. Try to make the passwords as long as possible. It would take a hacker several hundreds of years to brute force attack a password with 15 or more characters.
Not Having a Back Up Plan
Backing up your website or your hosting files is an activity that many webmasters put off until it’s too late. Many hosting companies will adver-tise that they back up your files, but you may have to wait days before they can restore it. If you do rely on them, make sure you are clear on what they include in those backups. Don’t just assume everything you put on your server will be part of the backup. Another issue is the frequency at which they perform backups. If they only do it once a month, but you update your website frequently, you could still lose important infor-mation.