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This is the one of those subtle parts we missed in the fine print but is the most important task for all webmasters. I say “ALL” because if taken lightly, then a webmaster’s online presence is risk.
Oftentimes, we ignore things that are easy to do and are of NO threat to us at the moment. A typical example is eating our way to indulgence. After some time we realized we are getting fat (and sick) and that’s the only time we hold back. But look at those bulges on the mirror. Look at the hypertension or heart problems we have.
The same is true to your reliance to your hosts. It’s easy to rely on someone but when you realize it’s not what you think they will be doing, you’re dead. A typical example is to believe (without looking at their TOS or AUP) that your webhost will backup all your websites and be responsible to restore it for you (since they backup your website anyway, right?) anytime you need them.
What if we show you that deep within those webhosting TOS fine prints, it says there that YOU are solely responsible for your websites and your backups even if they have a backup system in place?
Your hosts know that you can never be assured by the ever faltering hardware and softwares hence this advice to backup your websites. They are trying to tell you through their TOS and AUP that you should be responsible for your content and your backups.
This is something that every webmaster should take seriously. Backing up your website is relatively easy. You just don’t see the value of it until you are in trouble.