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You can. Anyone can. Unlike traditional broadcast media like TV and radio, there are no bandwidth issues, there are no frequency issues and, in fact, there are basically no regulatory issues at all.
If, for example, you have a web site or a blog, there is nothing technically and nothing legally (other than possibly the copyright of others’ materials, which we’ll cover more in a moment) stopping you from starting to podcast right now!
Why Would People Pay For Podcast Programming When Radio Is Free?
The podcast world exists as a sort of blend of radio, which historically has always been free, and satellite radio, which is not free, plus downloadable music. Within just a short time, people have become accustomed to paying 99 cents per unit - which is usually a song, or about 4 minutes duration.
People will always pay for what they perceive to have value. For example, take real estate lectures. We know of a local realtor and real estate investor who decided to teach a class on how to make money in flips, given the attention of the housing market lately. He sold tickets for $25, had a hall with a capacity of about 100, and sold about two dozen seats - in other words, possibly breaking even on the venue rental and possibly not.
The material in that lecture would probably be more profitably sold as a podcast lecture series for a few dollars per subscription, or given away as value-added advertising for his real estate business.
By contrast, Donald Trump gave a lecture with The Learning Annex in New York City in Fall 2005.
The Learning Annex generally charges a few dollars for a lecture, has capacities of a couple of hundred seats, and pays the lecturer a couple of thousand dollars. Trump was paid a million dollars to speak for a couple of hours. How can the Annex pay for that? By getting a 40.000 seat event hall and charging $99 per ticket - that’s $3.96 million in gross ticket proceeds assuming a sellout...for a lecture on real estate.
Suffice it to say that people will pay and often pay big, for what they perceive as information or entertainment of value. The question for the entrepreneur becomes, is the podcast a product itself, or is it a way to increase sales of other products?