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Chapter 4: Creating Your Own WSO
If you want to pursue the business model of creating your own products and selling them as WSOs, you’re best course of action is going to be to buy as many WSOs as you can. This is how you do your research, not only on various marketing methods and techniques, but on what’s hot right now, what format would be best for your products, and more.
Two Types of Learning
When you buy a WSO, a smart marketer learns from it in two different ways. The first and most obvious way is to take in the information contained within the product directly. This is done by reading the ebooks, watching the videos, etc.
The second method of learning from WSOs is one that many people overlook and in many cases it’s because they’re looking at WSOs as get rich quick schemes instead of learning opportunities. This second method of learning is done by taking in how the WSO itself has been constructed and presented.
For example, these days many people are creating video training packages by first creating mind maps, then recording videos of them explaining each step. By watching these videos, you can get an idea of how to put together a WSO like this, what type of software you should be using, and more.
Another example would be PLR packages. Many of the WSO PLR packages these days contain ebooks, website templates, and article/blog post packages for promotion purposes.
By purchasing PLR packages, you can get a feel for what type of content should be included, how it is structured, and what tools are used to create it.
Purchasing a wide variety of WSOs allows you to learn many different ways of creating them. This knowledge is invaluable and will put you ahead of many other marketers when it comes to product creation.