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Jealousy Warnings
You can warn your prospects that other people may be jealous of them if they buy your product. It could be they might be wrongly criticized by other people, they may lose a few friends, they may get talked about behind their back, people may point fingers at them, etc.
Addiction Warnings
You can warn your prospects that your product might be addicting. You could compare it to other highly additive products like gambling, drugs, alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, pop, chocolate, junk food, fast food, etc.
Of course, your product could be additive because it's so good, works fast or it's easy to use. You can also mention they need to be careful, responsible or don't overuse it so they don't become addicted.
Handling Warnings
You can warn your prospects that they may not be able to handle your product. They may not be able to handle your product because of how powerful it is, the high price, they may not have the stomach for the information that's on your sales letter, they are afraid of success, they may not be able to truth, etc.
Concentration Warnings
You can warn your prospects that they might not being able to concentrate on other things because they will be constantly thinking about your product. They may not be able to work properly because of day dreaming about it or they may not be able to fall asleep because of fantasizing about it.