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Whether you are freelancing now or you aspire to become a freelancer, work-at-home moms now have new opportunities to be able to stay home and still earn a wonderful income in 2018 & beyond
Let’s take a look at why a freelance business really appeals to you and if your serious about it, why you should manage your business in such a way that you are perceived by your prospective current and prospective customers as more than somebody in their bedroom with a PC.
Chapter 1: Do You Want Really Want To Be A WHAM Freelance Contractor?
Do You Resemble These Remarks? You love getting up early in the morning just so you can fight rush hour traffic to be at work on time. You like to go to work and see the same people doing the same thing day in and day out. You love your boss and look forward to his or her demands on you and your time everyday. You don’t mind that you never see your family or children.
You don’t mind that you miss all of their games and events. You like working overtime. You don’t mind that you have not received a raise in three years. You don’t mind that you are making minimum wage and barely making ends meet. You would hate working at home and spending more time with your family. A million dollars is not something you aspire to ever earn.
If the person described above is you, then don’t read any further. If you don’t want to be your own boss and don’t want to tell others how much your time is worth and don’t want to actually get paid for your time, then stop reading.
If you are content living the life you have and don’t wish to take your career into your own hands and shape your own future, then put this book down. Just close it. Throw it in the trash. Line the bird cage with the papers that contain the information on how to make freelancing business a cash flow king.
If, however, a million dollar career is something you are interested in, then find a comfortable chair, grab your favorite beverage, and settle down with a pen and paper so you can take some pertinent notes.
Take the time to read this book about freelancing and how it could mean financial freedom and control over your career with customers that look at you as the consummate professional you are, from the very beginning.
Does freelancing mean you will get rich overnight? No, it takes work and dedication. There are a number of obstacles that you will have to overcome but the rewards will be substantial if you are willing to put in the time and effort. The possibilities are endless.
There are opportunities for any person to break into the lucrative career of freelancing or start making a serious increase in their businesses profits starting now. All you need is diligence, patience, and tenacity to pursue it and make it happen by running it like a ‘REAL’ business starting now. This book will show you how. On the other hand, if you are the person that was described at the beginning of the chapter, get that beverage and curl up with the latest novel by your favorite author. It might be enjoyable reading and that is fine. Just remember, unless you are doing that for a living, it wont make you a dime.
So You Want To Be Your Own Boss
Freelancing allows you to be your own boss. This means you make your own hours. That does not necessarily mean you will work less hours than you did working as an employee. In fact it may mean working more hours in the beginning stages of your business. As the old adage goes, “I’d rather work 60 hours a week for myself and make the same money as working 40 hours a week for somebody else”.
Wear what you want. Does your current job have a dress code? How does sitting in your pajamas all day sound; what about just spending the day wearing your favorite pair of worn out jeans and that T-shirt from that unforgettable 1980’s rock concert.
If you are an independent agent, like a freelancer, then you decide the dress code. But if your prospective or current customers also see you in the same way in their ‘minds eye’, because of the way you have set up and postured your business, those old worn out jeans may end up being all you can afford to wear.
Making your own hours does not mean loafing around all day. And it doesn’t mean taking short cuts in your business management could end up being detrimental to your businesses image. It means having the self discipline to set aside a certain amount of hours that you work each day. But, as the boss, you get to decide what those hours are. That way you can pick up the kids from school, have lunch with the spouse, go to the gym during the day when it’s not so crowded, and never have to make that horrible rush-hour commute. However, in the beginning setting your schedule like that may mean you have to work later hours into the evening to maintain necessary cash flow.
Being a freelancer means that you get to set your own prices for what your time is worth. No more waiting years for a raise that may never come. As you become more proficient and widen your client base you can double and triple your earnings as you see fit.
Have you ever considered living somewhere else but your job and family obligations keep you stuck in the same place. Freelancing gives you the freedom to take your family, if that applies to you, or just yourself and live wherever you want.
As long as you have a phone, a computer and a way to receive mail, you can live at the South Pole or Hawaii and still have a lucrative freelancing career. Your home is your office. You can be sitting in a coffee shop and enjoying a scone with a mocha latte at the same time you are making more money than you ever made working for somebody else.