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Decide Who You Want To Be Online and Brand Accordingly
A majority of the building blocks of success consist of very basic decisions. You build a business the same way that you build any structure, such as a house. Just as the foundation of a building is critical to its structural integrity, so too are the foundational decisions involved in business building critical to future success. One of the most important of these basic steps is deciding who you are, as a business, before you brand.
A large number of business run into trouble because they project a very confusing or contradictory persona online. Obviously, this is because they likely have failed to fully decide who it is they are and what it is they want to be. This confusion in identity also tends to confuse the audience they are trying to attract. A confused audience is a distracted and uninterested audience. Instead of being attracted to the business and brand, the audience tends to drift away and towards a business and brand that is better organized.
When you decide what persona your business will present online, you are better able to attract an audience to that brand. In addition, one of the wonderful things about building a virtual community around your business or brand is that they will be able to inform you as to what they need you to be. This information gives you the flexibility to change with your audience, adapting to current market conditions as circumstances dictate. Adaptable, flexible businesses are better able to successfully survive over the long haul, and long haul success is precisely why you are branding to attract a community in the first place.